Stay away~24~

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Allison's POV:

I head to bed with Josh at around 10:30, and set my alarm. He sleeps on the floor, and I get the mattress.

"Goodnight Allison." He murmurs to me with his face in his pillow. "Don't let anyone rape you now" He giggled and I could tell he was extremely tired.

"Shut the fuck up." I say and throw a pillow at his head. Then he starts to laugh even harder, and once he calms down, he rolls over with his eyes closed. I get up from my bed and creep over to him. He is laying in a straight line on his back, and his hands are rested on his chest. I slowly bend down so I am close to him. I put my hand out so it is hovering just above his stomach, and push my hand down and tickle him. He crunches up and starts laughing uncontrollably as he moves his hands down to stop me. I laugh and he hits me with the pillow.

"I hate you because you're not ticklish ugh." He says and grabs my waist. I cringe a little because its more of an annoying pain then any kind of tickle. He pulls me down and I lay next to him.

"Good night" I say, kiss his cheek and plop back into my bed. His response is just a moan and he turns over to his side.


I wake up and find Josh's face extremely close to mine and I jump. He has a big smile on his face and the sun is just coming up.

"Good morning!" He says happily.

"Whats up with you, little miss sunshine?" I say raising an eyebrow. He looks like a little puppy that was just brought home.

"I don't know I'm just really happy!" He exclaims and jumps up. "Come on!" He says and picks me up. I shriek in surprise as he twirls me around in a circle. We both get dressed quickly and ready for school. I walk down stairs right before Josh passes me running. Thats right. I forgot Josh is such a morning person, unlike everyone else in the house. It must be good for him to have other people up as early as he is. As I enter the kitchen I see a bight stupid smile on Connor's face. I can tell he had met a girl yesterday.

"Who you thinking about?" I ask as I get closer to him. "Is it Amanda?" I say with a smile spreading across my face. He looks up in surprise.

"What? No. She is my friend." He states defensively. "Its this girl, her name... Her name is Gabbie and-" he quickly explains but I interrupt him.

"Gabbie, like Gabbie my best friend? Like the Gabbie with the red hair?" I ask in surprise. I didn't even see them make any contact at all yesterday, but Gabbie had told me that one of the new boys was cute.

"Yes." He says lightly like a little sigh, as if talking about it makes him 100 pounds lighter. I laugh and ignore his daydreaming. I eat some strawberries, and head to the bus.

We all sit together, in the same area, and listen to the music that Amanda plays from Carina's speakers. Carina and Amanda talk about meeting up tomorrow, and Josh, Connor and I are quiet the whole time.

We get to school, and stay outside with the other students waiting for the bell to ring. In the sea of people, I come over to Lexie and Gabbie, with Josh and Connor following.

"Is that the cute new boy you were talking to me about?" I ask her looking over to Connor.

"Yeah." She says with a smile. I don't think she knows that I know Him.

"Well, thats my boy-friends little brother." I say and the shock on her face makes me laugh. Josh comes up to us and waves to my friends. Lexie wiggles her eyebrows at me and I hit her arm lightly.

"Hey Josh." Lexie says and Gabbie waves back to him. I see the cute smile on Josh's face turn mischievous.

"So, I heard you and Connor have met." He says to Gabbie and her face turns bright red. I put my head in my hands and hold back a giggle.

"Uh... Yeah... Your,.. brother... Right?" She stutters and then Connor comes up.

"Gabbie, can I talk to you, alone?" He says looking really nervous. He bites his lip and has an adorable little sparkle in his eyes. I smile lightly and nod to Gabbie and they move away from the group. Just as they leave, as if on que or something, Justin comes up to us... Lexie glares at him.

"Why are you here? Get your ugly ass away from us." She spits at him which I am grateful for.

"Make me." Justin responds, and Josh puts his hands on my waist protectively, which directs Justin's attention to us.

"Well look at the two little fuck buddies." He says with a smile on his face. All Josh does is glare into his eyes. If looks could kill, that would be the death stare.

"If I were you," Josh warned, "I wouldn't mess with one of the best actors in hollywood." He says.

"Oh, i'm not, I am messing with you, a shitty actor, now who are you talking about?" Justin said in a calm tone. Forget about how mad Josh was I was about to beat the shit out of him myself.

"You stay away from Allison. Don't touch her, don't talk to her, don't even come near her or I swear we will call the police." Josh states and we both go near Lexie and leave him.


Hi! I really hope you guys have been reading even though I haven't updated since this week. Comment what you think and any suggestions!!! Hehehehe Gabbie and Connor have a lil somethin😏

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