Birthday Morning

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Allison's POV:

"Wake up sweetie!" I heard as my eyes fluttered open. Josh's eyes were wide awake and excited. "Happy birthday love!" He said and picked me up. I yelped and flailed my arms and legs. He carried me downstairs and when I was put down I saw what he made.

"Wow." I whispered in amazement. There were a few presents across the floor and a plate of bacon with pancakes. Josh almost never cooked, besides the frozen waffles yesterday morning. These were from scratch. "Oh my god." There were candeles everywhere since it was a dark day. The curtains were closed so it was a romantic look. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the food.

"Don't you adore how romantic pancakes and bacon can be." Josh teased. I laughed and hugged him.

"Thank you." I said and started to shove bacon in my mouth. I loved bacon. Well, who dosen't? He came next to me and ate some bacon and pancakes too. We finished quiclky and went to the presents.

"Most of these are from our parents, they called me in the morning to tell me where all of them were hiding. I brought them to the living room, and added a bit of decoration." He says gesturing to the whole living room, full of candles and draped fabrics. It was a little bit over the top for Kentucky, but I guess its normal for hollywood people. "My three are the smallest." Josh said looking a little embarrassed. "Connor's is the badly wrapped one, and the rest are from your parents and mine, which i have been told to make you wait until they get home from partying. Its really windy and rainy out there." He said and I pulled the curtains open to see through the window. He was right. There was rain and leaves swirling around everywhere, and any of the trees that finally had grown leaves, lost them to this storm. I nodded and sat on the floor by the presents.

"Should I do Connor's first and then yours?" I asked holding up Connor's bag or box or whatever it was. Josh nodded.

"Mine last. I will tell you which order to open mine." He said with a tiny smirk he tried to hide, and succeeded but not before I noticed.

"Okay," I said a little suspiciously. I tore open Connor's to find that it was a bag of jolly- ranchers, but when I opened it, the only kind in there were my favorite, watermelon. the bag was still full strangely. I popped one in my mouth and threw a candy over to Josh. He ate it and pointed over to the smallest box in the room. I picked it up and unwrapped it. The box was white fabric, and had a small ribbon bow around it. I opened the box, and it was a necklace, the silver chain glimmered within the candle light and so did the charm on end. It was heart shaped, with small diamonds across the right side of the heart. I almost chocked on the candy in my mouth. "Josh!" I yelled and tackled him with a hug. "I love it!"
He smiled and quickly gave me the 2nd gift. I opened it to see that it was the same kind of box, but wider and not as tall. I opened it and saw that there was a silver skinny cuff- like bracelet. When I picked it up for closer inspection, I saw that words were engraved into the bracelet. The moon and back. It said. I looked over to him, and he held out his hand.

"The moon and back." He whispered in my ear. I took his hand and kissed him. "Here is the last gift." He said with his head down. Why was he so embarrassed? The second I unwrapped the present I knew why. My face got bright red. I looked over to him and he had a fierce look in his eyes. He came close to me and put his lips against my ear. "Happy birthday" he whispered. It was a box of condoms.

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