-28- conflict resolved... Kind of

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Allison's POV:

We got home from that horrible dinner and all walked inside. The minute Connor shut the door I slammed my bag on the ground.

"Really? Really Connor!? 'Oh sureee! I would love to go and have dinner with the bitches my friend and ride home hates!' Are you kidding me?"I say mocking him. He looks surprised and scared at my unexpected outburst and then Josh steps in.

"Look, Allison, don't get so mad at him. He-"

"He what?!" I interrupt Josh. "There isn't any reason I shouldn't be mad! For god sake you seemed to have a good fucking time!" I am yelling now. I just can't stand this. "You know what!?" I say and start to walk away. "I shouldn't have trusted boys!" I scream as I get away from them. Josh follows me but isn't able to catch up before I get to my room and slam the door in his face.

"Allison! Please! Can we talk?" He begged. "Please! You're not going to get anywhere with this!" All I did was fall down on the bed face first and scream into the pillow. I was just so frustrated. It was silent for a minute and then Josh spoke again. "Allison," He said calmly. "Please let me in." He begged me again. I didn't respond and he was waiting for me to, then I heard the door open. He stood in the doorway, and I heard footsteps coming to me. Josh sat on the bed and put his hand on my back. "Allison. We need to talk about it, please." And then I just broke out in tears. I had expected it, I am not really good at holding myself together, but I didn't exactly know why I was crying. "Hey, hey,hey, whats wrong?" He said in a soft voice.

"I don't know. Everything." I guess I really do know why I'm crying, it's all of the things that happened, I had held them in like a volcano, and like all volcanos, I exploded. I let the tears flow and I needed just that, I needed to get it all out and cry. The tears rolled down my eyes like a waterfall. Josh picked me up and put me so I was lying on his lap. I wipe my eyes and start to calm down.

"I'm sorry Allison. I should have stood up for us, and not let them take me over." He said stroking my hair, it felt so good. I grabbed his free hand and studied it. I just played around with his hand in my hands.

"It's okay I guess. It's not your fault that some sluts find you attractive." I say with his hand still in mine. "I over reacted just a little because I was- never mind."

"What?" Josh asks raising an eyebrow. "Jelous?" He says with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" I say and drop his hand down. "I was not jelous!" I say and lightly hit his chest. He laughs and picks me up so I am sitting up right next to his lap. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me towards him. I laugh too, and he smashes his lips onto mine. I can barely remember when we last had a kiss like this one. It was almost as good as our first. We both smiled in the kiss and I let him hold his hands around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck and I can't remember anything else, it felt like seconds that I wanted to last longer but at the same time it felt like days. We both pulled away slowly and I was still sitting on his lap facing him. It was a kind of awkward position so I got off of him and went behind. I didn't do anything for a minute, and then hugged him from behind. He laughed as I buried my face in his shoulder. I smile to myself, 'I am glad that things can mean so much in these little moments.' I think. All a sudden I stop what I am doing and look over to him.

"To the moon and back." He says as if he can read my mind. He is holding onto my arms and looking out the window.

"To the moon and back" I respond.


Hi I have been working on this scene for a little while and idk I don't like it much but that is probably how easily I would give in lol :( Comment what U think and vote pls! Lol okay I'm tired Goodnight and TYSMMM for 2.8k. Reads!!! Ily! Should I call u guys Joshies? Lol comment pls👇👇👇👇

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