Chapter 1

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3 months. He couldn't believe it had been 3 months. Every morning he woke up praying it was all a dream. That it never happened...
Phil could hear Dan crying again. It happened a lot now, over everything; comments, rumours, public incidents, everything.

He knocked on Dan's door. "Dan? Dan are you ok?" The only answer he got was more sobs. He hesitated then slowly opened the door.

What he saw shocked him. Dan's room was a disaster. Days worth of untouched food, dirty clothes and various objects everywhere.

And then there was Dan.

Dan was a mess. His hair sticking everywhere, his clothes looked like he's worn them for ages. The bags under his eyes were shocking. He looked so drained and anyone could tell he hadn't slept for days. Phil wanted to cry for him. He sat next to where Dan was laying on his bed and started stroking his back. They just stayed there like that for several minutes before Dan broke the silence

"Th-they all h-hate me Phil...after all t-that we d-do for them....why do t-they hate m-me?" Dan sobbed into his pillow.

"They don't hate you, Dan. They love you, they just...aren't very good at showing it." Phil responded. "Think of it this way, their life goal, for some reason, is to meet us. They're just really excited. It doesn't excuse them treating us poorly, but I'm just trying to show you that it's not out of hate."

Dan sniffled once more before he sat up and Phil pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry I keep doing this to you. I know you're stressed out about this too." Dan mumbled into Phil's shoulder.

"Hey, it's not a problem. You need the help and friendship right now and that's what I'm here for" Phil pulled away and looked at Dan. He looked so drained. "How about we go out and get lunch. We could go to the little café down the road. You need the fresh air and you need to eat. It's not hard to tell that you haven't been."

Dan nodded and together they got ready and headed out.

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