Chapter 3: Chris is a Badass! Part 1

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Chris led you and Sam behind the cable car. Once you three rounded the corner, you saw a shooting range.

"Tah-da! Pretty rad right?" Chris exclaimed. Sam rolled her eyes while you were just curious as to why a shooting range was at the base of a ski lodge.

"Yeah..." Sam was not amused but you just smiled at Chris's enthusiasm. You nodded, hoping he would answer your question from before.

"Come on! Look at these beauties." Chris said gesturing towards the shooting range.

""Beauties" is not the word that comes to mind. Why is this even here?" Same asked voicing your question.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked. You rolled your eyes playfully at his adorable ignorance and worded Sam's question differently.

"I think Sam means, why the hell is there a shooting range at the base of a ski lodge?!" You asked. Chris looked at you surprised that you had talked. It seemed like he forgot you were there. This hurt you slightly but you didn't let that show. Chris picked up the rifle at the shooting range.

"Have you guys met Josh's dad?"


"He thinks he's like Grizzly Adams or something." He held the gun towards you and Sam. "Either of you wanna try?"

Sam glanced at you with a look that said, I don't want to shoot a gun today, but I also don't want Chris to accidentally kill one of us. You wanna try or trust Chris. You looked at Chris than the gun.

"Nah we're good. You go ahead Grizzly." You answered. Chris laughed and aimed the gun.

Here we go, you thought.

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