Chapter 9: Pain

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You stayed quiet the entire way back to the lodge. The scene of half of Josh's body hanging over the chainsaw kept replaying over and over in your head. You felt as if you were going insane. You were shaken out of your thoughts by Ashley shrieking.

"Did you guys see that," Ashley asked. You looked around and realized you were in the basement of the lodge. You didn't even notice you got there until then. You and Chris turned to look at Ashley.

"See what?" Chris asked Ashley. Ashley point down the hallway.

"I think it was a ghost! And it looked like Hannah!" Ashley shrieked.

You were about to talk but Chris beat you to speaking. "I'm sure it was just your imagination Ash." Ash? Since when did they have nicknames? You thought. You shrugged it off and listened Ashley insist that she saw a ghost.

"Ash we don't have time for this. It wasn't a ghost. It's just your mind playing tricks on you after the fucked up thing that just happened!" Chris exclaimed. Ashley looked down and you looked at Chris shocked.

"Chris! Stop! She is scared and sure it was probably her imagination, but we are a group here. We only have each other until we find the others, if they are even alive. We can't go turning on each other or that will put us in a worse state then we already are," you exclaimed in hopes of calming down Chris. He exhaled and nodded. You wrapped you arm around Ashley's shoulders and lead her down the hall, following Chris.

Ashley shrieked again and pointed. You looked over and froze. You saw a girl with long dark brown hair in a torn white dress.

"Chris! Ashley wasn't imagining it! Look!" You screamed and looked over at the blonde. He looked up at where you were pointing and sighed.

"Not you too Y/N. There is no ghost okay! Your just imagining it!" You started to get angry.

"Well maybe if you weren't staring at your fucking phone you would have saw!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah what were doing anyways?! Posting #There'safuckingghostafterus?!" Ashley screamed. Then she shrieked and pointed again.

Chris just sighed and widened his eyes when he looked and saw the ghost. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Ash," He said while taking her from me and leading her towards the ghost that was showing you the way. 

Pain. You felt pain in your heart as you watched him help her and not you. You felt pain in your heart after he said sorry to her and not you. But he loved her. Not you. So you were left with pain until you could find a way to move on.

Until Dawn: Chris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now