Chapter 26: It's About to Go Down

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"Y/N..." Mike trailed off and looked at his shoes.

"He's gone, isn't he?" Your voice wavered and you felt tears begin to form. He didn't answer but you knew you were right. You lifted a hand and brushed away your tears before they could call.

"I'm really sorry," Mike whispered. "What he did was fucked up, but that doesn't mean he deserved what he got."

"It's not your fault," Sam said stepping forward. "It's these Goddamn Wendigos and we are gonna show them who's boss."

You let out a shaky laugh. You put your fist in the middle of the three of you. "For Josh?"

Mike and Sam looked at each other before allowing their fists to join yours in the center. You exchanged a small three way fist bump. "For Josh," they echoed.

"Let's head to the basement," Sam broke the silence. "The others are probably waiting for us there."

Sam started to walk ahead of you two. You and Mike began to follow, Mike slipping his hand into yours. You found it quite comforting. "This has been a real shit show, hasn't it?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, it really has," You answered, your voice growing a bit stronger. "But that's all the more reason to end it."

"Wow, homegirl. You've become a real badass, haven't you?" Sam teases as she walked down the stairs.

"Hey, that's my nickname for her. Not cool! Don't just highjack my brilliant nicknames like that!" Mike protested.

You shook your head and let go of Mike's hand. You wondered how you got lucky enough to get such great friends. At least you had that going for you.

When you all reached the bottom of the stairs, you tended when you heard footsteps rushing your direction. Suddenly, Chris, Emily, and Ashley ran into the room.

"What the hell?" You jumped in surprise.

"Go, go, go!" Chris yelled as he ran. You looked behind him and saw a horde of Wendigos on their tails.

"Shit!" You yelled before you felt your arms get grabbed. Chris and Mike each grabbed an arm and pulled you away from the door. You began to run with them and you heard the sound of the door slamming from behind you.

The two finally let go of you when you reached the top of the stairs. You kept running only to freeze when you saw Wendigos littering the lodge. You held your breath and stayed as still as possible.

Sam rushes past you, stopping as soon as she saw the hideous monsters. Mike whispered for not to move a muscle. You felt panic begin to rise but you pushed it down.

You saw Chris from the corner of your eye. He was almost right next to you. You shuffled a bit closer to him and grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly. His eyes flicked to you briefly and you knew your fight with him was over.

It was time for a new fight. You were ready to protect your friends no matter what. You looked at Sam and knew she had a plan. Oh hell yeah, you thought, it's about to go down!

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