Chapter 23: Ready For Some Parkour?

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You and your friends huddled together slightly as you walked. The sounds of Wendigos screeching echoed through the air around you. Were you terrified? Yes. Did that mean you weren't ready to kick some ugly Wendigo ass? No.

You let out a breath and clutched your wooden plank tighter. You looked at Sam in confusion when she stopped at a wall. You looked up and realization hit you fast. She wanted to climb up.

"You see that? Light. It means there's a direct way out," Sam announced to the group.

"There is no way Josh is making it up there," Mike said.

"Shit, you're right. Okay, if you give us a boost, Y/N and I will climb up and tell the others we're okay."

"No way! I'm not leaving Josh and Mike!" You shouted in protest.

"Y/N, come on. Please, you have an opportunity to get out of this hell hole. Take it," Mike said.

"But, Mike-"

"Nope. Not a word. Start climbing, homegirl!" Mike said as he started leading Josh away. As they were leaving, a recent memory ran through your mind.

"Wait!" Josh and Mike turned and looked at you in confusion. You ran towards them and grabbed Josh's shoulders. "Hannah was down here. She survived the fall. She dug Beth up. She was starving Josh. She became one of those things. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you deserve to know."

Josh nodded slightly before gathering you into a tight hug. You pulled away and kissed his cheek before doing the same to Mike. You let them walk off with a barely audible, "Be safe."

You walked back over to Sam and she smiled at you slightly. "Ready for some parkour, homegirl?" She asked jokingly.

"Very funny," You rolled your eyes at Sam. You stretched a bit in preparation, a small smirk resting on your lips. "Let's do this."

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