Chapter 4: Chris is a Badass! Part 2

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Here we go, You thought.
A few loud bangs echoed through the air. You looked away from Chris holding the gun and smiling proudly to the shooting range. Exactly three shots have been fired and two cans were on the floor and one bag had a hole in it. Chris had fucking amazing aim!

You decided to joke around a bit and say,  "Wow, nice shootin' Tex," in a country accent. Chris looked over at you and smirked a bit. Then things got weird.

"Alright, I'm bad. I'm a badass," Chris said while doing a weird dance with the gun. You laughed but Sam rolled her eyes. Chris smiled at you and Sam shook her head, smiling slightly. Sam crossed her arms and looked at Chris.

"I'm gonna go ahead and guess it was a wild case of beginners luck." Chris smirked once more and shook his head.

"I don't think so girl," Chris said before winking at you and aiming the gun once more. You blushed and Sam caught you. She looked at you then Chris then made a face of realization. Sam looked at you in pity before making what looked like a decision. You looked down for a bit before looking back to the shooting range.

You zoned out while looking at bottles falling and bags being shot. You missed Sam and Chris's banter but looked up when you heard a squeaking noise. Oh no, you thought as you saw a squirrel climb onto a barrel in the shooting range. You saw Chris take aim at something but you prayed it wasn't the squirrel. You looked away so you wouldn't see the squirrel die. The gun was fired. The squeaking stopped.

Tears flowed down your face slowly as you began to look up. You looked at the barrel where you expected the dead squirrel to be but saw nothing. You realized another bag had a hole in it. The squirrel was alive and left.

"Your ass just got saaaaaacked!" You heard Chris exclaim to Sam. You looked up to see Sam rolling eyes for the third time and Chris smiling proudly. Chris turned to brag to you but stopped when he saw the tear stains on your face.

"Hey are you okay Y/N?" Chris looked at you concerned and Sam turned to face you, her face also worried. You wiped your tears.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just sure you were gonna kill that squirrel back there."

Chris nodded and walked over to you hugging you tightly. "Don't worry. I know how you and Sam feel about animal cruelty. Even if those things are just rats with busy tails."

You smiled and Chris released you from the hug. Sam smirked at you an it was your turn to roll your eyes. Sam thought the cable car was coming so she made you and Chris leave the shooting range. You followed Sam laughing as Chris complained about leaving his "baby" before he could learn how to take care of her. Sam snickered and said, "Funny how your baby is a gun. What gun did you pay to mother it, an AK or a shotgun? Or was it adopted from the nearest gun store?"

Chris shushed Sam and said, "She doesn't know she's adopted yet." You, Sam, and Chris joked about his "baby" the whole way to the cable car.

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