Chapter 13: I've Got a Gun And I Don't Know How To Use It!

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"Alright, alright. No need to bite my dick off," Mike said, hands up in surrender. You glared at him for a minute, before sitting on a table in the room.

"Now that we're done bullshitting, what's the plan?" You asked, ready to get down to business. Everyone in the room looked at each other before shrugging. You sighed and said, "Well, I for one would like a plan that won't get any more of us killed, thanks."

Emily's shoulders fell in disappointments, causing you to look at her in confusion. "The only way off this damn mountain is the goddamn cable car! We don't have the key and I sure as hell am not waiting for the rescue team to come flying in at fucking dawn!" Emily yelled in frustration.

"I guess that leaves one option," Mike said.

"What would that be Mike?" Sam questioned.

"Josh has got to have it! It was probably part of his fucked up plan!"

"We don't know where to look!" Ashley exclaimed.

"The mines..." Everyone turned to face Emily, "It's the only place they would take him, it's like their home. I don't know if we should do this..."

"We have too! It's the best option we have!"

"Well, what do you suggest we do then?" Chris asked Mike, still bitter about your previous actions, "Go head to head with a million Wendigos in the goddamn mines?! It's fucking suicide!"

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting we should do," Mike stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Chris took a step back and muttered, "You're fucking crazy man..."

"Well, we don't really have another choice! Look, I don't know about you guys, but I'm not sitting here until dawn! You guys can wait and twiddle your thumbs, but I'm finding Josh and getting the fuck off this mountain!" Mike yelled as he pushed open the door that led to the mines. You walked up to him and grabbed his arm. He turned to you and asked, "What do you want Y/N?"

"I want to help you," You said, no emotion present in your words. Then, all hell broke loose and an uproar of protests filled the air.

"Y/N, you can't!"

"You'll get yourself killed!"

Even Chris was begging you not to go, but you already made up your mind. Mike started to refuse your offer, but you quickly cut him off.

"I'm not letting you play hero and walk into a death trap alone. I'm going, end of story."

"Fine," Mike grumbled and handed you the pistol he was holding. "I hope you know how to use this," He said before walking through the door.

"Aw hell yeah," You said and followed him.

Aw hell no, you thought. Watch out Wendigos, I've got a gun and I don't know how to use it!

A/N: Finally, a chapter! I promised to update a while ago, and I'm sorry I didn't, but a lot of stuff has come up! I hope you all understand. it may take me a while to update again, but this is because I will be working on more chapters for this story and make sure they are the best they can be, as I only want the best content for my lovely readers! Thank you guys for reading! Love you! See you in the next chapter! *Blows flying kiss*

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