Chapter 29: The End (Epilogue)

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*A/N: Trigger Warning: Flashbacks/trauma, blood, gore filled descriptions. I don't think it's too terrible and, since the game has a lot of stuff that can bother people as well, I think it's fine. I just wanted to warn you, just in case.*

Two Months Later...

A gunshot echoed through the air. The bullet surged forward and embedded itself in the center of the target. You adjusted your grip and aimed at another target. You pulled the trigger, unaffected by the recoil of the shotgun. Dead center. You aimed again.

It had become second nature to you, shooting a gun. You often occupied the shooting range, it was basically your second home. Something about being prepared for the worst was soothing to you. You knew why, of course.

Sharp talons. Blood. Screaming. Running.

Grotesque sights flashed in your brain. Panic flared within you. Your hands shook slightly so you held the gun tighter. You closed you eyes and took a deep breath. You weren't on the mountain anymore. You opened your eyes and aimed.

A hand on your shoulder stopped you from pulling the trigger. You jumped slightly before throwing the gun down on the wood in front of you and ripping your ear muffs off. You whirled around to face the culprit. You were unsurprised to see that it was your insufferable boyfriend.

"Holy shit, Chris!" You hissed at him, breathing heavily. "Do you have a death wish? I was shooting a fucking gun!"

"Sorry," He chuckled slightly at how flustered you were. "I forgot that you really get in the zone while in the range."

You shook your head slightly before you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "It's good to see you. What brings you here?"

Chris shrugged before throwing a grin at you. "Figured I'd work on my aim a bit."

"Ok..." You trailed off, disbelief extremely prominent in you voice. "We both know that's a load of bull. What are you really doing here?"

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You always know when I'm lying, don't you?" Smugness filled your body. Normally you would gloat, but you needed an answer. You shot him an unamused look. He was stalling. "Fine, I wanted to check in on you. I know how you get sometimes."

You pulled the protective glasses off of your eyes. It was clear that your shooting time was done for the day. You grabbed the shotgun and took out the bullets.

"What do you mean how I get?" You asked, putting away your equipment.

"I mean, you get in your head sometimes." Chris leaned against the wooden barrier that you were previously standing behind to shoot. "You go a little overboard sometimes and clearly, this is one of those times."

You knew he was talking about the excessive amount of bullet holes riddling each target. Perhaps you did get a little carried away. Still, you felt that your actions were valid, even if they were extreme.

"I don't know what you're talking about," you insisted, feigning nonchalance and turning away from him.You were long past being vulnerable if you could help it.

"Yes, you do," Chris countered. "The shooting, the zoning out, the self-defense classes with Mike for fuck's sake. We're not on the mountain anymore, we're safe."

Until Dawn: Chris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now