Chapter two

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This is probably going to be from Aiden's POV. I plan on the whole thing being from Mia's and maybe I will throw in one or two of Sterlings POV. I might give Aiden another few chapters in the future, I have no idea yet.

Anyways, here's another upload!




I never promise a girl love.

I’m not the type of guy to get on one knee and declare my love to be with you forever. I’m not the guy you would see standing outside your window, a radio on his shoulder, belting some cheesy 90’s love song.

I live on my own terms. My mom knows it, my brothers know it. I don’t feel for another nor do I resist a challenge. I always love a challenge.

I look over at the blond girl as she sweeps her hair over her shoulder and watch as she runs her hand over my bicep.

 Her finger traces my tattoo, the one I got for my father. The cross is big and black and under it has the words “Forever here “In Spanish. I tense up as she bends over and kisses it.

“What does it mean?” She asks and I let out my breath.  She isn’t the type to want to hear my emotional baggage and I’m not the dude to give it.

Instead, I grab her cheek and bring her in for a kiss. She moans and forgets all about the tattoo on my arm as our tongues glide together.


 I’m not going to fuck her. Even I have more respect for the girl. I think back to the library and my mind runs too little Ms. Mia Hastings. The chick thought I didn’t know her name, but everyone knows of the girl who get’s in trouble.

 I like trouble.

 The way she let out a shaky breath when I got near her was enough to make me get a hard on. I affected that girl like I knew I could.

I feel something run over the inner of my thigh and my mind get’s off  thought's of Mia and focus on the girl in front of me.

 The girl looked nothing like Mia. While this girl has sun kissed hair and a perfect tan, Mia was more natural. With her dirty blond hair and white skin, she was a force to be reckoned with . I hear the girl moan again and I lean back, knowing that I had to stop before things got too heated.

“What?” She asks, sitting up too and leaning against the door of my car.

She takes her shirt and covers herself up. I look at her, my eyes running the length of her body. Hell, I was stupid. Why did I have to have morals?

“Let’s take this easy,” I say, the words popping out of my mouth and I can literally feel the mood go out the window.

She narrows her eyes at me and pulls her shirt over her pink bra. I run a hand through my hair and she starts to run her hand over her hair.

“Listen, “ I start , but she cuts me off by narrowing her eyes. Something she did way to often.

“ Listen What? Am I not good enough to have sex with?” I shake my head, not ready to have a conversation like this. Shouldn’t the girl be happy that I didn’t take advantage of her?

“ I never said-“ But, again , I get cut off by her grabbing the handle of my door and springing it open. She hops out and then leans back in, her eyes still narrowed.

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