Chapter twenty

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I have no idea how I feel about this chapter.

I'm not that happy with it, but it's not too bad & Some parts are good  :p

I will either post again later tonight or tomorrow, but probably tonight. The next chapter will be WAY better.

On another note, this is unedited, and The third time I rewrote this chapter.

I had something different happen in all three chapters and I went with this one.

It was The least dramatic. I mean,  I can't have all the drama come at once, can I? (;

                    -- NickyMb <3


“And there was this time when Mia ran around naked and she had dirt all over her face. She looked horrible. Right, Mia? “

My head is lying on my hand and I’m leaning on the bench, with my elbow propped up. Aiden and Sterling sit on the other side and I roll my eyes.

‘That’s right, “ I say without bothering to care and Aiden goes back to telling some ridiculous made up story and Sterling listens, nodding his head and sucking on his straw.

Me? Oh, I was just sitting here, trying to forget about what happened by the booth.

I knew if I thought about it, my heart would pick up again and I would probably go red in the cheeks.

“Right?” Aiden says, with that same old voice and Sterling lets out a little laugh.

 I just blocked off whatever story Aiden was now telling and I’m sure it involved me doing something totally stupid and half naked.

Funny thing is it sounded more like stories from when I get drunk.

I knew Aiden was doing this on purpose to distract Sterling from me. The minute I finally collected myself, I walked back to see Aiden sitting beside Sterling, telling him all kinds of things.

When Aiden saw me he smiled as if he knew how I felt. I’m sure he did, because I know it showed on my face.

Sterling looked at me weirdly, but he didn’t say anything as he was dragged into my false childhood past.

I see a few Michigan Blues walk by and I watch them laugh and flirt their way to get money into the jar they were holding.

 I watch as they flirt some guy into giving them 10$ and they walk away, waving and smiling.

They turn and head toward my table. Oh, no. I could not deal with overly happy, overly flirty, overly excited people.

I could deal with it to a point, but when those people try to beg me for money, to support something that they practically already had money for, I draw the line.

‘Hiyah!” The brunette says and flips her hair over her shoulder.

  The girl next to her offers a big smile to Sterling. They don’t even turn my way.

Well, isn’t that just dandy!

I continue to just stare and watch the scene unfold. I mean, it wasn’t like I could go off on them without a reason?

“Hey, “ Sterling says to them and Aiden leans forward a little to get a better look at their legs. The brunette smiles and lays a hand on the table.

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