Chapter thirty six

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Boom! Another upload!

Okay, that was beyond lame, but I have news ... Only three more uploads and this is officially over!

Excited? I am. Heck, I might finish this whole thing tonight. <3

Anyways,this is it!

~ Enjoy (:

-Nickymb <3

** Unedited **


‘I’ll kill him. I will take his balls and throw them in lake Michigan, where they can swim with all the fishes. No, better yet, I will catch him on fire and you and me can watch him burn. No, that’s not good enough. How about we get in my car, run him over, then get lawn chairs and watch him lie there and die. “

Kelsey shakes her head, her hands on her hips. Her lips are in a tight line, full of frustration and she keeps walking back and forth.

I sit on my bed with Kayla, who was running her hands through my hair. She stops playing with my it and leans over, muttering under her breath.

“I never knew she could be so violent. Did you?”

I scrub my hand over my red eyes and look back up at Kelsey. From the moment I told her about Aiden and the bet, she has been going on a vocal rampage, giving me all these scenarios on what I could do to Aiden.

   I had to agree with Kayla. Who knew Kelsey could be so .. violent? Even if it was in her head.

Though, I am kind of violent too because a lot of the options she was giving me were sounding pretty good at the moment.

Kelsey finally stops walking back and forth and takes a deep breath. “Okay, maybe that was a little harsh. But, to make a bet on love? I mean, why are boy’s such stupid idiots! They don’t even know the meaning of the word love and they like to throw it around as if it is nothing.”

True, the bet was stupid. I was also stupid for believing in Aiden. But, deep down, I know that he meant what he said.

Which hurts even more. I want to just lay here, drowning in my misery, but Kayla and Kelsey showed up, refusing to let me.

When I called Kayla, asking for Aiden’s number, she called Kelsey and told her she was worried about me.

Well, when they come over and notice that I didn’t come home for the night , it just fumed their worry.

Thankfully they covered for me when it came to my parents, saying I stayed with them. When I parked Mason’s truck and I saw Kelsey and Kayla pull up behind me, I broke down and they were there to catch me.

This is why I love them so much.

“I really thought you too had the real thing. “Kayla breaths and then she moves and looks at me, her eyes now narrowed.

“Now, to more important things. I know it, Kelsey knows it, but I want you to say it. What were you doing at Aiden’s house last night. “

Even though I am pissed,  beyond upset, I blush. Remembering the things he did and how much I liked it, made me feel .. a little guilty that it was so good. Kelsey see’s my now flushed cheeks and her mouth falls open.

Like literally, open.

Kayla, even though she is just as mad at Aiden as I am, tries to hide her smile. She looks at me seriously, finally not able to conceal the smile any longer.
“My little Mia? No longer a virgin? Is this real life!?”

I reach behind me and I throw a pillow at her head. She catches it and laughs and Kelsey is there to derail the laughing train.

‘The only problem is that it had to be that dick you gave it too. I swear Mia, I told you this would happen. “

I wasn’t really in the mood to hear her gloat. I swing my tired legs over the bed and Kayla fumbles off the bed and Kelsey watches me with alert eyes.

“I’m just hungry. Whats the point of sitting here in my misery? It’s not like it is goign to change anything. “ 

  I open the door and I know they are behind me without looking. I see Mason’s door open and I try not to look in.

I haven’t seen Sterling since I told him I didn’t care for him the way he did for me and I was trying my hardest not to look for him.

   I pass by the door fast, swing around the corner and make my way down the stairs. The sun is coming through the sliding glass door and when I look at the clock, I notice that it was only 9:00.

I still can’ believe that yesterday I slept with Aiden.

I look at the kitchen for a moment and Kelsey steps around the counter and pulls down a pan. She looks at me,  a little weary , and then smiles.

“Why don’t we make a super big breakfast? Since our mom expects Kayla and me home by eleven, it’s the perfect thing to get your mind off him. “

Kayla walks over to the fridge and pulls out a whole bunch of ingredients. Her pajama shorts are too short for her long legs and I shake my head.

I have no idea how I was able to sleep last night, but with Kayla and Kelsey there, I slept like a baby. 
Which I hope means I am more strong willed than I put on. Kayla pulls out eggs, pancake mix, bacon , and syrup.

Kelsey reaches over her for the butter and she looks through  drawers, trying to fins plates, bowels and a spatula.

I sigh and I lift myself up on a bar stool. I sit there and I watch them work together, the way only sisters could.

They will give each other a look and they will no exactly what the other is trying to say. Kelsey starts to laugh over something Kayla says and Kayla smiles and looks over at me.

“You are so damn lucky that I am here making you food. I never make anyone food. Hell, I don’t even make food for myself. “

Kelsey lifts up the spatula and points at Kayla. “Me and Mia both know that. Remember Christmas eve?”

I laugh and it feels good to do it. Last Christmas eve, Kayla thought she was going to be the next Betty Crocker or something and make a whole bunch of Christmas cookies for everyone in the neighborhood.
She went all out and made the things homemade. The sad thing though, is she really did try.

But, when you almost burn down a kitchen, make cookies so hard they could break a window, and your own dog won’t even eat them, you know you suck as a cook.

Kayla shakes her head and holds a plate for Kelsey, who was slipping pancakes onto it.

“Excuse me, but those cookies had potential. “

“Potential to break teeth. “ Kelsey says and I nod my head in agreement. Kayla rolls her eyes and sets the pancake plate by the bacon and when she turns around, I sneak a little piece and nibble on it.

Maybe I could get use to this. Me, Kelsey, and Kayla. Over time I will forget all about Aiden and I will move on.

 The only time I had to see him was next year at school and then I’m free of him for college. Unless he went to Michigan State. Then I would have to deal with him all over again ...

I shake my head and swallow the food. It is funny how you never notice how much someone is in your life until you lose them.

It’s weird how I never cared about Aiden before and now I was already worrying about running into him.

Soon we are all three sitting at my dining room table, eating and talking about pointless things.
Kayla talks about her new idea to become a fashion designer and Kelsey takes every idea Kayla throws out and tries to find reason in it.

That was the thing about Kayla. She was a person who would want one thing one moment and something different the next. Were just sitting there, enjoying our time, when there is a knock on the door.

We all stop what we are doing and we all look to the door and then back to each other.

“It could be my parents. “ I comment to the silent air. I noticed they weren’t here earlier, so maybe they were just getting back from the store or something.

Kelsey looks at me doubtfully. “Wouldn’t they use the key?”

Dammit, why did she always have to be right? I hear another knock, louder this time, and I let out my breath. I scrap my chair back and Kelsey stands up with me.

“I got it. “ I tell her and she looks me over, a little worried.

“You sure? You know it might be him, right?” I nod my head and Kayla snorts.

“I don’t think he is dumb enough to come see her yet. He knows she will be here with us, so unless he wanted to deal with three pissed of teenage girls, I am positive it’s not him. “

For once I wish Kayla wasn’t always wrong.

Know that I am faced with the fact that it might be him at the door, I kind of do want to see him. Maybe he was right and I shouldn’t have left. Maybe I should have stayed and heard what he had to say.

My god, can my mind ever make up something?

One minute I am thinking of ways to avoid the jerk and now I wanted to see him? Yeah, like I said so many times before :

Emotions suck.

I take a deep breath to ready myself and I unlock the door knob and open the door. When I see a tanned skin boy with black hair standing there, his fist up ready to knock again, I know who it is without bothering to ask.

“Julio. “ I say his name for the first time and he drops his hands and put them in his pockets. He smiles a light smile  at me and nods his head behind him.

“Can we talk?” He asks, sounding like he knew I was going to reject.

 I hold up my finger to him and I look back to Kayla and Kelsey, shake my head the slightest bit, and look back to him.

“You have five minutes. “

 I shut the door behind me and I follow him out and down the walkway. I see his black Motorcycle parked behind Kelsey’s car and when the light hits him, I notice the tattoo’s on his arms.

Where have I seen them before?

When we get in front of his motorcycle, he kicks his leg up and leans against it. Even though I thought Aiden was the hottest thing ever, Julio wasn’t to bad either.

He had that whole Bad boy thing going for him. Way more than Aiden did.

   “I came here to tell you to stop being an idiot. “ I cross my arms over my chest and just stare at him, wondering where this was going.

“For someone who has a time limit, you sure just jump right to it, don’t you?” He looks at me and smiles a little, his lips quirked up at the side.

“I’m a man of words. What can I say?” I roll my eyes and he drops the half smile. He runs a hand through his raven like hair and grimaces.

“Aiden cares about you. “

He holds up a hand and looks at me seriously.

 “Now, before you go and say anything about that bet, I want you to know that I am the one who made it. He shook on it and I never told him who it had to be.  I guess he assumed it could be you. “

He takes a breath and shakes his head.

“But even I saw the changes. He would always defend your name and every time I looked at a girl or told him to be my wing-man, he would refuse and say he wasn’t in the mood. Well, turns out his mood was somewhere else. “

He looks me up and down and straightens out, running a hand over his motorcycle.

“The dudes in love. I can’t believe I am even saying it, but it is true. And Mia, I can tell without even knowing you that you love him too. I have no idea how you two teenagers did it so shortly, or why, but you guys got the real deal. Don’t go ruining something so real, so good, over something so stupid and small. “

 He looks up at me and I hold my breath a little.

“ If you do this to him, I can tell you that he will be heartbroken just like you. He might not show it or tell you, because I figured out that he is just as hotheaded as you, but I’m not lying when I say that he is probably missing you like crazy right now.”

He takes a deep breath and lets it out.

‘Wow. That is probably the longest speech I have ever fucking given in my life. Damn, that was good. “ He looks back up to me again, his eyes full of honesty.

“So ... I guess that is all I had to say, really. So, how did I do on time? I am guessing that took me about two minutes at the best. No?”

I raise an eyebrow at him and wonder is he was crazy. How can this guy go from being completely serious to kidding around? I decide to oblige in his little .. whatever it is, and I think for a few seconds.

“I say two minutes and thirty seconds. “

His lips tip up and he moves to the right and swings his legs over his motorcycle. He looks at me and nods his head.

“Think about what I said. Okay?” I nod my head and he turns on his motorcycle, salutes me with two fingers, and then screeches his way out of there, the sound of his bike probably waking the whole neighborhood.

I can’t help but smile a little as I turn and head inside. I see something move out of the corner of my eye, but when I stop and look, nothings there.

    I shrug and decide I am going crazy.  I open the door and  find Kayla and Kelsey stacked up against it.

They move out of the way fast and they both look at me guiltily. I roll my eyes and lean against the door.

“I know you were spying. Obviously.” I say to them and they both look at each other and then at me. Kayla raises her hands and Kelsey looks at her nails.

“Guilty. So, are you gunna' tell us the story?”

After telling Kelsey and Kayla about Julio, they told me to do whatever I had to do but to always know that they would be there.

Now, I was cleaning up the breakfast dishes all by myself.

Kelsey and Kayla took off, having to get home, and now I was left with my thoughts. I was thinking that maybe I should consider what Julio said, when I feel someone behind me.

I drop the dish in the sink and when I look behind me, I see Sterling standing there, one hand cupping the back of his neck and the other just hanging there.

“Hey Mia. “ He says, looking at the wall.

I stop what I am doing and wipe my wet hands on my jeans. I take a deep breath and I look at him and when his sad eyes finally meet mine, I say in a quiet voice.

“Hey Sterling. “

And we both stand there, waiting for the other to speak. I have no idea what is going to happen next or why he even wants to see me, but I know deep down that whatever the reason was; I should listen.

And listen was what I was going to do.

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