Chapter nine

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Oh, Aiden and Mia, my favorite people to wrtie about.<3

I'm not biased or anything (;

enjoy !

                   -NickyMb <3


Everyone has a trait about themselves that they hate with a passion.

Either it be something small like biting their nails or something big, like insecurity, I knew my worst trait was I always acted on my impulse.

 If I got mad, I would say something that usually upsetted someone. If I was happy, I would show it. I would do things without thinking and sometimes it tended to get me in trouble.

A lot.

As Aiden stood there, his hands know behind his back and the uniform he stole from someone on his lean frame, I wanted to hit him. Or throw my food. I wanted to actually hit him and throw my food at him at the same time.

I would be pretty happy with that.

But, I held it in. My mother and brother both knew who he was and I would not give him the satisfactory he so wanted standing there. I narrow my eyes at him and he looks at me, that smile still there.

“Aiden Cash? Is that you? I didn’t know you had a job here. “

My mother leans over and looks Aiden up and down, taking in the uniform and the dress shoes. I'm sure she even took in that devilish smile he wore on his face right at that instance.

He moves his eyes off of mine and looks at my mother. He nods his head a little.

“I just got a job. “ I can hear the humor in his voice even though no one else can. I come forward and I peer at his name tag and look up at him and then the name tag again.

I do this about five times.

“Then why is your thing say Earl?” I blink my eyes innocently at him and I expect him to be stomped or walk away embarrassed, but he just looks at it and just laughs this laugh that says:

  'Oh, how silly of me. '

“I must of grabbed the wrong name tag. I should go fix that. Nice to see you Mrs. Hastings, “ He brings out his right hand to shake hands with my mother and then he turns to me and holds out his left hand.

“ Mia. “ I don’t want take it at all, but I know my mother would consider it bad manners, so I wrap my hand around his smooth one and when I feel something scratchy glide against my hand. I get wide eyed.

     I look up at him quick and he winks, removes his hand from mine, and walks away without another look.

My mother and brother go back to talking and I look at Aidens retreating back and I let my eyes flick to my mother and brother and when I see that they are in a heated discussion, I bring my right hand under the table and look down too see a white folded note.

I unravel the note and look up one last time to make sure no one is looking and I read what he wrote.

The letters are smudged together as if they were strewn together fast and I think he spelled my name wrong.



Meet me in the bathroom?

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