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I am starting a second book to this. It is on my page now and It will be from Kelsey's POV. (:

Yes, Mia and Aiden will be in it and other people from this story! <3 I hope you check it out, comment and vote!

If you want to leave it off here, you most certainly can! I hope you enjoyed it and I want to thank each and everyone of you!

Thanks and enjoy ~

-NickyMb <3

Unedited ** Aren't you happy that is the last time you will have to see that ?

PS: The tattoo on the right is kind of what the tattoo Mia has looks like. It's in the same spot, her shoulder, and it's pure black. The only difference is that it's smaller and has less designs. It's much more simple. Though, the picture you see is the only picture I can get that was CLOSE to what I had in mind. I hope that helps! (: 

Again, Second book on profile! ---------------------->


“We would like to welcome the graduating class of 2012 ! “

Everyone around me grabs their caps and we all seem to be counting down from three. Someone shouts and I join in and I lift my hand up and I throw my cap in the air, followed by the others.

The blues caps create little sparks of wonder along the blue, cloudless sky and everyone starts to cheer and scream, following each others voice as we celebrate our freedom.

A girl who I don’t know is standing next to me and we both look at each other with big smiles on our faces.Even if we don't know each other, we are thinking the same thing.

We did it!

We are finally out of high school and boy does it feel good to be free.

Everyone starts to pick up random caps and I look around my feet and I see mine against someones chair.

I know it’s mine because I put a little smiley face at the end and I pick it up, dust off the dirt, and put it under my arm.

Everyone starts to move around me like moving water and I just stand there and take everything in.

My senior year was perfect. It was filled with laughs, love, tears and so much more. I wish I could go back and relive it now that it’s officially over. They always said that once you want to grow up, and you do, you wish you could start all over again. 

I mean, I did want to go back. Relive some of my finest moments and change some of my worse ones, but I have so  much more time to create more memories and make so many mistakes, that I couldn't stand here and dwell that it was over.

I should be happy that it happened.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to see Ms. Jane, my old Library boss, standing in front of me.

 She has since then taken on the concept of contacts and dyed her hair dark brown. She seemed to gain a little weight, filling in her curves and bring the whole thing together. I have to say, she looks better.

Though, the nose still needed a little work.

Okay, a lot of work.

“You did it. “ She states, looking at me under that big nose. I smile at her, not in the mood to be catty, and she seems to stiffen.

As if I was going to bite her or something.

“I know, I really can’t believe it. “ I gush out, unable to hold my excitement. She huffs her chest a little, her long skirt moving around her feet.

“Same here. When you never showed back up to your job for the summer, I was sure you would flunk. But, You didn’t. “ She reaches over tensely and lays a hand on my shoulder, moving the blue material of my gown.

“I’m proud of you Mia. I hope you learn to be a wise young lady and grow up being the person you are today. Even if I do hate that attitude of yours. “ I smirk at her a little and she drops her hand.

“I always knew you loved me Mr. , I mean Ms. J. “ She looks away and pinches the bridge of her nose with her fingers. Though, how it fit in her fingers I have no idea.

“And there goes every nice word I said out the window in a matter of a second. I’ll see you around Ms. Hastings. “

She walks through the people, muttering about how she is too old to still be doing this and I smile watching her go.

Even though I hated my job at the library when I had it, I think I might actually miss that old hag.

“Mia! Over here! “

I turn around and I see Kayla pushing people out of her way, Kelsey right behind her. Kayla has now since dyed her hair all black with purple highlights and Kelsey .. She was still the same girl.

Kelsey runs past Kayla and she hugs me. I laugh and Kayla ends up hugging me too, the three of us nothing but blue and limbs. Our laughing soon turns to tears and we laugh at how ridiculous we look.

“Michigan State , here we come! “ Kayla shouts, pumping her fist in the air and I burst out laughing, wiping the tears from my eyes. Kelsey smiles at me and brings me back in for a hug.

“This was the year. “ She mutters in my hair and I nod, tears staining her blue gown.

“It sure was. “

I lean back and when I see tears in her eyes too, I laugh. She giggles too and I think we all have a laughing problem.

“I have no idea what I would do without you and Kayla next year. “ I say to her and Kayla pops her head over Kelsey’s shoulder, her cap on sideways.

“Please, we all know what you would be doing. “

She puckers her lips and moves her head back and forth and I bring my hand out and push her face away. Kelsey looks over my shoulder and then back to me.

“Your family is waiting. I’ll see you tonight at my party, right?” I look at her as if she was stupid.

" It wouldn’t be one without me. “

They walk away, Kayla still making kissing sounds and I roll my eyes and head to my family. My mother wraps me in a hug first, already crying and my dad pats my shoulder.

Mason looks me up and down and when I look him up and down, he smiles and grabs me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

“Wow. My little sister going to college with me? Oh, this can not be good. “ I duck under his arm and punch him in it.

“Jealous that people might like me more?” He looks at my thoughtfully and nods his head, fast and hard.

“Actually, I am. “

 I smack him in the head and he rubs the spot where I hit him, when my mom comes over to us.

“I’ll leave you here to  talk to your friends. God, I am so proud of you. “ I smile and I let her hand come out and pat my cheek.

 My mother , like I said before, was always the emotional type and she literally has a handfull of tissues already falling out of her purse.

“Mom, I’m not going to college till fall. You can stop crying now. “ She continues to sob and my dad has to come over and practically pry her off my head.

My dad brings her to the car and now it was just me and Mason. I cast my eyes to him and I see him checking out some girl.

I smack his arm and he looks at me, guilty.

“ How’s Sterling. “ I ask in a quiet voice. He decided to go stay with his Aunt this summer instead of coming to my house and I hate to think half of it had to be because of me.

Well, more like all of it.

Even though he told me to go for it, I know it still bothers him to think about everything that happened and could of happened between us.

   Mason seems to turn a little sad and he looks up to the tree that we were standing under. “He’s fine, I guess. He still will not tell me what happened between you two. “ I shake my head sadly and look up to the tree too.

Maybe over time Sterling will be able to talk about it. Maybe over time he will understand that he was a good person and deserved good things.

He needed to let go and I needed to let go. Even if we thought we needed to be together, It turns out we were both wrong. We both deserved different people.

 Until then, I have no idea what will happen.

    Mason looks over at me and lays a hand on my head, earning the title big brother even more.

“You really are growing up fast squirt. “ I roll my eyes at him and he smiles at me and then looks over his shoulder. He points to the car.

“I’m going to go follow them. I’ll leave you to .. other things. “

 I watch him go the car and yell at mom, telling her to stop with the crying. I smile at the whole thing and then I hear someone clear their throat.

I turn around and I find Aiden leaning against the tree. His blue gown brings out his blue-green eyes and his easy smile. His hair is even more messy than usual from his cap, which he seemed to be missing.

I smile and start to walk toward him.

When people first learned that we were dating, they were shocked. I mean, Aiden Cash taken?

It was the biggest thing around campus,  but sooner or later the news calmed down when people seemed to figure out that it was the real deal.

Plus, Aiden never made them think differently. He would always find ways to hold my hand or kiss me whenever someone was or wasn’t looking.

He would always look at me whenever he thought I didn’t notice and whenever a girl tried to come onto him, he would make it clear as day who he was interested in.

“Nice day.” He says when I get to him. I look up at the leaves bounded to the tree and nod my head.

 It actually was a nice day, believe it or not.

I feel him grab my hand and he brings me toward him. “How’s it going Kitten?” He raises an eyebrow and I winkle my nose at him.

“Are you trying to be sexy?” He just looks at me and I laugh.

“Oh, you are! That’s funny. “ He smiles and he brings his hand to my neck.

“Sadly you love it. “ I put my hand on his chest. “I have nothing -” I get interrupted by his mouth landing on mine. I don’t think I could ever get use to his kisses. They were something worth talking about.

I push back and I disconnect our lips. I look at him and smile a little. “I got you a present. You know, for graduation. “ He smirks a little and sweeps his hands out.

“Funny thing is Kitten, I got you one too. “ I hold my finger up as I look over and see that , thankfully, my parents haven’t left yet.

They were still dealing with my mothers crying issues. I run to the car, get the white box, and go back to Aiden.

He has a little black box in his hand and when I get to him, he thrusts his hand out first. I take the gift and put his one the ground.

“Let me guess, ladies first?” He doesn’t say anything and I roll my eyes. Aiden was the kind of guy that believed ladies go first for everything.

I pull open the box and when I see what is inside, I look at him dumbfounded.

“You can’t be serious. “

I reach my hand in and grab the picture frame that held a picture of Aiden in it. The box falls to the ground and I turn the picture toward him.

“You have got to be kidding me. “ His smile turns a little cocky and he leans against the tree, one foot propped up.

“I don’t know Kitten, It’s a pretty good looking present to me. “

I shake my head and put the picture back in the box and then hand him his. If he thought his gift was funny, wait till he saw mine.

He lifts open the box and when he looks through it, he raises an eyebrow and looks at me. I look back innocently and he holds up a strap.

“Why is there a fireman outfit in here?” He asks amused and he shifts the outfit around then stops.


 Then looks back up at me, his lips tipped to the side.

“And why am I missing the shirt. “ I laugh and he grabs my hand and pulls me close to him, the present still in his hand.

What can I say?

I’m a very persistent girl.

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