Chapter twenty nine

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Okay, two things :

One, this chapter is badly unedited. I will come back later today or tonight and fix it, so please don't mind it.

Two : Oh, yeah, the good stuff is just starting. But, with the good stuff comes the sad, sad truth of this ending soon. I know, it makes me almost cry a little . :p

-------> song on the side is So Aiden and Mia's song. I thought it was perfect for this chapter ! <3


- NickyMb <3


   When I was little I use to imagine what Cinderella felt like.

How one minute she went from some ordinary girl, someone who no one knew, to something beautiful.

How one night changed her life forever. One night turned her into the princess she was meant to be.

I wasn’t no princes but I felt like it. With this dress on and my hair in curls, falling down my back and my face made up in colors, hues and perfect details, I felt like this night could be it.
The night I was like Cinderella. The night that would change everything.

“You look beautiful. “ My mother says under her breath, admiring me from behind.  I tug on a curl as I look back in the full length mirror. The white dress I had on puffed out and the strapless top did make me feel beautiful.

The dress looked more like a wedding gown than anything, but the way it fit me perfectly and the way my grey eyes matched the little diamonds on the back, pulled everything together so that it just fit.

I smile at my mother and she lays a hand on my shoulder. She insisted on doing everything from my hair to my make-up and I am happy I agreed to let her do it.

Even if it did suck for awhile.

 I turn around, the folds of the dress gliding with my feet, and I pick up the white box. I open it and pull out the mask slowly.

My mother thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and I had to agree. The more I looked at it, the more it became something wonderful.

“You are going to be the beautifulest one there. “ I look up at my mothers voice and I see tears fill up her eyes a little,

 She dabs at them and I smile. I might not have wanted to go, I might be wishing this whole night to be over with, but the way my mother is looking at me at this moment, I would do it all over again. Just for her.

“It’s just a dance, mom. “ I say softly, feeling a little self conscience. My mother waves her hand in the air, smiling a little.

“I know, but I never get to see my little girl dress up and here she is, turning into a wonderful young lady before me. “ She reaches over and pushes a few curls off my bare shoulder.

“You would make any boy proud. “ I look at where she touched my shoulder and swallow the lump in my throat.

I believed her, but the sad thing was, the boy I wanted to be proud of me was the boy who refused to talk to me now.

I still have no idea why Aide refuses to ever see me. It was as if he has been a ghost these past days and the more he never shows up, the worst it hurts to know that I miss him.

A lot more than I should.

I wanted the boy who called me Kitten and smiled when I got mad over the nickname.

I wanted the boy who can touch me with only a small touch, one look,  and ignite something feverish in me.

The boy who’s comments amuse me, make me laugh. The boy who makes my day better even if he doesn’t try too.

This was the boy I wanted to call mine. The boy, that Instead of Sterling, who would be able to look at me and say:

“That is my girl “

  But, I have to come to terms that I might not ever get to the chance to look at him, to meet his eyes, and say right back :

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