Chapter fifteen

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Okay, first, this is Dedicated to Prominence because I absolutely love getting all her comments and votes. Plus, I'm trying to help her see the the good side of Aiden :p  Fan her people ! She is super awesome! <3

So, anyways,  I had to upload this tonight!'

I Will leave this chapter and make you look forward to the next one. Which, I might or might not post tomorrow. Well see (;

Ha, I'm such a biotch sometimes. Excuse my french there.

Anyways, here is the chapter!

PS: UNEDITED. God, I bet you're tired of me saying that (;



“You’re getting soft bro, “

I look over at the chair next to me to see Julio bring a can of beer to his lips and squeeze the thing until it started to go in.

   I don’t say anything and he brings the can out and throws it in his growing pile that he has started by his feet.

“Getting soft?” I question him as he wipes his mouth. He turns his head to me and waves his hands in the air comically. One thing about Julio is him and beer do not mix well together.

He proved this freshmen year when we went to a party and he ended up passed out in the middle of the lake, with some girls bra and panties on.

   Pictures were everywhere and ever since then, he refuses to go to parties.

“Yes, soft. You care for this mamacita to much.“

    I don’t bother to say anything else as he goes forward fast and grabs another can out of the beer box and flicks the tap open.

He starts to drink again and I look at my own drink in my hand.

Maybe I was getting soft. Last night when I told Mia about my father, I felt like something lifted off my chest.

    I have never gave myself to a girl like that before and even though I liked the feeling, I couldn’t go there.

I saw the way my mother crumbled the day my dad died. I saw the hurt on her face and sometimes I can hear her crying in his office, trying to hide her tears.

I see what it does to someone when they love or care for someone and then it all gets snapped away in an instant.

     That is not something I want and Mia might have been close to reveling the real me, but I kept my distance.

“You know the bet is still on the line. The bet is to have her fall for you. Not you fall for her. “

I throw my can in the pile, it still full. The bet has been on my mind since the moment I talked to Mia in that bar.

200$ on the line to make her fall for me. I think I can get her there, but Mia is a hard cookie to crack.

 I have never met a girl who hasn’t fallen for my witty charms or my sarcastic sayings.

The girl knows how to dish it back and seeing her do the little things she does, like how her nose bunches up a little when I call her kitten and how she smiles at the littlest of things, makes me want to smile just thinking about it.

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