Chapter fourteen

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   Okay first, this is dedicated to iownelephants  Because I love her story, and I love how she dedicated a chapter to me <3   for real, go check it out after reading this! It's good!

- Okay, so I'll admit, I'm really on a roll today (;

Okay, I really shouldn't be uploading this right now, but I need to get busy on writing the next chapter so I thought "Why not, my story hit a thousand views today , so throw one more chapter out there. '

So, I did.

Sorry if there are grammar mistakes, again this is an unedited chapter. Before I post the next one, I am going to go over the Chapters I uploaded and edit them.

Joy ...

Anyways, here it is ! <3



    I’m brushing my hair, well more like attacking it with a brush when I hear a knock on my door.

I let out my breath and I drop the comb on the ground and glare at it for not doing its job as I go to answer the wooden thing.

I pull open the door, expecting to see my mom there since she would want to know every detail of what happened.

But, when I see Sterling there, his hands in his pockets and a slight smile on his face, my heart shoots to the moon.

“Hey, “He whispers and I have enough sense to say hey back. He looks me up and down and his eyebrows furrow together.

“You’re not busy are you?” I shake my head and then stop. God, I look like an idiot. I move out of his way and sweep my hand out telling him to come in and he walks in and looks around.

I start to shut the door when I notice my black bra from earlier on the ground.

Fucking perfect.

Sterling’s eyes continue to sweep the room and I move over to the bra and get in front of it before he has a chance to make eye contact with the thing.

How mortified would I be if that happened?

“Cute room, “He says and goes to look at the ground. When he isn’t looking at me,  I bend down fast, collect the bra in my hand and shove it in between my desk and wall.

“So!” I say loudly, glad to have something go right for once. “What brings you up here?” He turns to me and wipes a hand down his leg.

“I was wondering if you had time to talk.”

“Talk?” I ask, a little surprised. What would Sterling want to talk about? I sit on the bed and I motion for him to join me, but he stays standing.

Okay …

My mind works over why he could be here and my mind locks on one thought. What if he was here to ask for girl advice? What if he really did like someone else?

I knew I should have checked his phone. The wallet wasn’t enough. Ugh, I swear if he asks me to help him pick out flowers and stuff, I’m out.

“Nice night, huh?” He asks, looking at my window. I look at the window too and then look back to him.

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