Chapter twenty five

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 ** Unedited !

 Oh, let me say that this chapter was soooo fun for me to write(:


The song to your right , my readers, is the song that plays when Aiden and Mia are dancing. You should check it out and make sure you listen to at least half of it.


Anyway, here it is!

Enjoy :p

-NickyMb <3


         The lights from the party are strung all around the wooden dance floor. The music is getting cut off from the upbeat song and silence fills the air as the guy at the booth turns on a different song.

Dance with me …

Those are the words that pound through my ears as I pull Aiden toward the dance floor.

 Couples of all ages twirl and dance around, even though the music has stopped. No one minds looking our way as I continue toward the center.

Good thing I know how to dance.

My mother took me to classes when I was little because according to her, a girl who knows how to dance can get a man under their thumb. I guess I am about to test that theory.

The Tiki torches give me the light I need to see Aiden. I let go of his hand when we get to the floor and I look at him over my shoulder.

  His eyes have taken on a charming quality and for the first time, there is no smile on his face.

That doesn’t mean he isn’t enjoying himself. It was if he was in deep thought. His eyes scan every part of me.

I have no idea if he knows how to dance, for all I know he can’t, but that doesn’t matter.

 Right now it was just me and him.

People in the crowd are shouting for some kind of song and that is when I notice that this is some kind of reception.

I see a bride off to the side, sitting in a chair with a white dress flowing around her feet. The groom is behind her, His hands on her shoulders.

Aiden looks to see what I am looking at and his lips tip up a little.

“Crashing a wedding?” He asks me. I laugh and that is when I hear the song start to play.

The sound of an acoustic guitar seeps through the speakers and I notice that it’s a slow kind of song.

My eyes shyly meet Aiden’s and that look is back on his face. He comes forward and reaches for my hand.

I let him grab it, and he brings my body close to his. He brings his hand that is connected to mine up and looks at it.

The words to the song wrap around me and the guy’s voice seems to make me want to melt in this moment.

Early was the morn, flowers filled with dew, I became somebody, through loving you.

Without speaking a word Aiden takes the hand and turns me around. I go gracefully and I feel the feel of my body move and soon I’m back in his arms.

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