Chapter ten

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  This chapter is just blah, really, but It needed to be added in a way !

Anyways, here you go!

   -NickyMb <3


  “I still don’t understand why we had to come here. Don’t you have a black shirt at home?”

         I bring my hand to my forehead and I leave it there as I take a deep breath. Kelsey stands next to me, fingering the clothes on the rack and I think I can hear Kayla down a few aisles laughing and joking around with someone.

The multi-color shirts in front of me were giving me a headache and hearing Kelsey continuous talk about this whole thing was just making it worse.

Oh, add in the fact that I really hate shopping and you have my life at the moment.

I hear someone saying something about prices over the stores speakers and then the thing clicks off and Kelsey starts talking again.

“How do you know what color to get anyway?”

I open my eyes and look over at her to see her eyeing a dark blue shirt. I could see a stain on the front and a few rips in the back.

    I give her a look and she puts it up, guilty. I start to rub my temples and I think about what my mother told me.

“Aiden’s mother saw my mom out at the electric company and his mom told mine that this family  thing is colored coded. Since Aiden has never bought anyone, he has never had to get a color to represent him and his ‘Team’ So, his mom told mine she decided black would be perfect. “ I think about it and look up at her, my mouth twitching.

“Black to match his heart. I like it, “ I say thoughtfully.

She rolls her eyes and I drop my hands from my temple and go back to looking at the discount rack, hands now on my hips.

 Did I mention how much I hate shopping? Not even when I am the one doing it do I remotely like the whole thing.

I hate going into dressing rooms and I hate taking one shirt off to put on another and then taking that one off to put the shirt you had on the first time.

So on and so on.

 It was too much work to look good. Maybe that was why so many people never tended to make me out as someone who was stuck up or cared about what their statuses were.

“How about this?  " I look too see Kelsey pull out a shirt that looked to be extra , extra small and low cut. I look at the shirt, then her and she frowns and looks at the shirt too.

She smiles sweetly and then puts the shirt back on the shelf , slowly.

I throw my hands in the air, moving shirts that hung on the rack.

“This is hopeless! All I ask for is one black shirt and maybe some black socks. But, no. What do I get? A stained blue shirt and a black shirt that looks like something a stripper would wear on the job. Do I look like a stripper? Don’t answer that. “ I say holding up my hand.

“I think I found something!” Me and Kelsey turn to see Kayla skipping down the aisles, holding a black shirt in her hand.

I smile and when she gets to us, she holds it up and luckily it’s just a plain black shirt. She see’s my relieved smile and she starts to laugh.

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