Chapter twenty six

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So .. I think I'm going to put two uploads up today, since it has been awhile! Sorry about that, by the way (:

Anyways, this chapter is a little bit in detail to Sterling's background. I also realized that this story is coming close to the end ! This saddens me, yet, makes me soo Happy <3

I'll give me detail on that toward the end (:

Anyways, the next chapter will be more like the old ones, but I had to put this one up to understand everything. Plus, I needed some Sterling <3

Anyways, this is Unedited and I hope you enjoy!

- NickyMb <3



In every story there is a superhero.

No matter if they have powers or not, there always seems to be someone who saves the day.

Someone who gets the girl of his dreams.

Someone who everyone loves.

As I wipe the frog off the mirror, revealing the scar on my face, I shake my head and look down.

The scar was a reminder of a past that could never escape me. Even though that day comes and haunts me every day, if it never happened I would never be the way I was now.

I guess everyone has a story. Right? Everyone has a reason for why they are the way they are.  My story started when I was ten and I was on my way home from my grandmas.

My mother was in the front seat, her dark curls pulled into a clip. She was driving because my father had a glass of wine that afternoon.

Even though he claimed he was fine to drive, my mother would have never of taken the risk. Not with me in the car.

“How did you like Grandmas?” My mother asked me, she looked at me through the review mirror, her green eyes smiling.

If I could go back, I would have said so many different things. I would have never of asked her the question I did.

“I hate it, “ I said to her. My grandmother’s house was about three hours away and her house smelt like Carmel.

She always tried to tell me how much I looked like my grandpa, who passed away before I was born, and always told me to sit up straight and have manners.

That was what she always talked about.

My mother shook her head; sadden by the fact that her only son didn’t enjoy his time. My father turned in the passenger seat, his eyes crinkling at the edges.

What I remember about my father was that he was one of those guys who looked harmless. With his glasses and brown hair parted perfect, he looked like a college professor.

Till this day, I wonder if he wanted to be one.

He smiled and said. “ Oh, come on, It couldn’t have been that bad. “ I heard him, but I didn’t answer him.

That was when I noticed that I was missing my superhero. Captain America. The only action figure that I cared about more than life.

“Mom!” I shouted at her, looking around the whole back seat. I unbuckled my seat belt and looked under the seat, in between the covers and even in the back. But I couldn’t find it.

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