Chapter thirty five

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 so ... with this upload, I realize with sad regret, that this story will be over by Sunday this weekend.

Maybe before.

I know, this is sad and I will make more announcements on that when the epilogue comes around.

I will come back and edit this story, to anyone that cares :p

Anyway, this is a bitter sweet time because this will officially be the second story I ever finish on here! <3

Thanks to all the people who kept me wanting to finish this and thank you to all the sweet and awesome comments!

Hope I give you the ending you all want!(:

Enjoy ~

-NickyMb <3

Unedited **


I wake up to the sun.

I turn on my side and I close my eyes tighter, trying to bring back the dream I was having.

It kind of involved Aiden in a fireman suit, minus the shirt. Since I first pictured Sterling in this, I have to admit, my dream with Aiden was so much better.

 I reach my hand out to grab a pillow when I feel my hand touch something hard. I move around a little, wondering if it was my imagination, when I open my eyes and I see my hand messaging a chest, a pretty big, pretty hot chest.

    I move my hand fast and I scoot all the way to the edge of my bed. Or rather, to the edge of his bed.

The guy the chest is attached too.

 I pull the black sheets around me and when I peek at the face,  I want to laugh and slap myself.

Aiden lays there, his eyes closed peacefully. His hair is up on one side and his arm are  strewn over toward me.

Memories of last night come rushing back to me all at once. The rain, the way his body felt on me, those kisses and the moment he called me beautiful.

I blush a little and I push a piece of my unbrushed hair behind me ear. I look back over at Aiden and smile freely. He was good. Actually, really good and now  I know why so many girls have chased him all these years.

His chest moves up and down and little snores, not loud, but soft, come from him and that just makes me smile a little bit more.

I sit up and I move my arms over my head and I feel cold air hit my body. I look down and when I notice my lack of clothes, I freak out and grab the sheets, gathering them around my body.

Though, it didn’t really matter anyway since I had my whole self out there last night for Aiden to see. I run a hand over my face while I keep another around the sheets to hold them in place.

I slept with Aiden.

Oh boy.

I should be in regret or be calling myself an idiot, but I can’t bring my self to do it. Last night was wonderful and I loved every touch, every kiss, every word of it. If I could, I would go back and relive every moment again.

I feel the bed move and I look over in time to see Aiden move to his side and open one eye. He looks up at me and when he see’s me looking back, he smiles this half smile.

“Your hair looks like hell. “

Those are the first words he says to me and I look over to his messy hair, one side extra messy, and I point to it, still managing the sheets.

‘You are one to talk. “ He props himself on one elbow and he runs a hand through his hair, flexing his arms.

‘Yeah, but girls love the messy look. “ I winkle my nose at him ,  getting a little nervous from my still lack of clothes.

‘Well, I am glad all the girls love it. “

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