Chapter thirty one

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Before you read, I would like to state that I don't want you thinking that Aiden is like some overly crazed guy who is aggressive.

I'm just going on the fact that if I was in his position, I would probably be over reacting too or be overly pissed.

Plus, in my day, I have seen girls and guys go off for a lot less.

Okay, yeah this is pointless, but to me, the whole overly jealous thing is kind of hot. (;

Okay, okay, my feelings on Aiden over, here it is and I hope you like it!


- NickyMb <3

** Uedited my people ! **



All I can think about is Mia as I turn my steering wheel hard and ram my foot on the gas pedal.

I see the tree’s outside my window rushing past and cars honking at me to slow down, but right now I am so pissed off that I can’t find it in me to follow any of the rules.

 I’m so stupid.

I knew I shouldn’t of tried to keep this a secret. I was stupid enough to think that she cared about me in the first place.

      I was stupid enough to walk away from her when I kissed her and practically put my feeling on a fucking platter by telling her I was falling in love.

 The reason I walked away, left her chasing after me, is because I knew If I stayed I would have taken her right then and there.

Screw all those people around us, the things I was feeling was nothing compared to what I have felt before. I was falling fast and it scared the fuck out of me.

 I thought she knew it was me. But the moment she said something about her mask, I knew she thought I was that prick.

The prick who’s lips was probably still glued to hers this exact moment.
My hands tighten on the steering wheel. That prick was so lucky I walked away. The things I wanted to say or do to him would not have turned out good. Instead, I stood there like an idiot, watching Mia kiss him.

 I knew she saw me. I looked right at her and what did she do? Kiss him anyway. My head starts to pound and I know I need to calm down. I sounded like one of those possive wierd dudes that like to keep girls to themselves.

Though, I will admit, if I could I would steal her away and keep her with me forever. That kiss that me and her had was something .. something special and I wanted to have a million more of those kisses.

“Fuck!” I yell when I realize that I took the wrong turn.

I take a deep breath and I pull over on the side of the road to calm down. Getting in a car accident wouldn’t be good for anyone.

I sit there and I think about what I told Mia. I told her I was falling in love with her and Goddamnit I was.

   This girl has taken a part of me and made it her own. She has tooken my cold, hard heart and done something with it. She was able to get to me unlike any girl ever has before.

She was way more than the bet that was hanging over her head. I planned on giving Julio the money and saying fuck it and taking Mia as mine.

But I blew it.

 I knew going to this ball was stupid and I had to practically ask Julio to see if he knew if Mia was going or not. When he said she was, that decided everything. I was going to the ball for her.

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