Chapter three

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I don't know why, But I keep writing alot to this story! Oh well, <3



"We broke you out biotchhh ! "

I look over at Kelsey in the driver's seat as her brown hair blows from the open window and glare. She shoots me a big smile and I just glare at her.

And glare and glare.

She reaches over and grabs my cheeks with one hand as her other hand rests on the steering wheel. She squeezes my cheeks, making them go In and look puffy, then turns that smile on me.

"Babe, you and that glare. I swear, you can destroy villages with it. "

"Or break mirrors. That works too. "

I turn in my seat and send my famous glare to Kayla, Kelsey's twin sister. She comes forward and kisses my cheek fast and quick, then moves before I can hit her. I let out my breath and look at them both.

"You two are crazy. Did you know that? Tying up the librarian, which let's thank God that Mrs. Jane isn't going to press charges, but you almost gave my heart a heart attack! You guys are both so lucky and stupid. Really, really stupid " I spit out the last word and Kelsey starts to laugh, looking out at the road.

"First, can you even give your heart a heart attack?"

I give her this look saying that if she doesn't shut up I'm going to climb over my seat and attack her like a monkey fighting over the last banana.

She pops her mouth shut but Kayla is there for her sister's rescue. Did I mention how much it sucks to be friends with twins?

"According to Google, you can give yourself a heart attack. Since, technically ,you know, it is your heart that is doing the attacking. "

I lean back in my seat and roll my eyes. When Kelsey said 'Gotcha' in my ear I automatically knew it was her. When she finally let me go, she was holding her stomach and laughing at my sheer shocked expression.

I hit her in the shoulder with the book I had in my hand, hard might I add, and then when I saw Kayla looming over a wide eyed Mrs. Jane, I think I did have a heart attack .

I rushed forward and removed the blindfold from her eyes, apologizing the whole time while she shot daggers my way. It took a lot of persuading and promising to help her out over the summer for her to promise me that she will not say a word to anyone.

Now I was in Kelsey's 1994 Honda civic that smelt like popcorn and beer going only God knows where. They said they were taking me out, which I was pretty weary about.

Let's just say that the last time I partied with the both of them, I woke up at a Denny's half naked with my face half way deep in a thing of pancakes.

When I woke Kelsey out of her omelet, she told me about the night we had and I was mortified.

Yeah, some memories were totally better left forgotten.

I put my feet on Kelsey's dashboard and snuggle in the seat before I continue talking.Might as well get situated, right?  "So, where are you guy's taking me?'

Kayla leans in between the seats and sets her hand on her open palm. She looks up at me while her eyelashes beat a mile a minute.


I groan and Kelsey and Kayla laugh. I physically and mentally hate Majestic. Every guy there seemed to want sex and every girl there seemed to want to give it.

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