Chapter thirty three

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A few announcements !

1: My computer is back!

2: This chapter is not perfect to me. I will come back later and fix it and change things . Oh, and the editing sucks.

3: Like I said, the editing in this chapter is bad! Like horrific! I needed something up so here it is ... I'm sorry.</3

4: You should still vote and comment though :p

5: Thanks for being patient! It's been awhile and I shall upload later on tonight ! <3


-NickyMb <3

PS : The next upload is ... Oh yeah, like .. you do NOT want to miss that one! (;


On my way to my house it starts to rain.

The rain hits the front glass and I flick on the windshield wipers and luckily for me and Mason’s truck, it is nothing but a light drizzle. The rain reminds me of tears and that just reminds me of what I am about to do.

 I’ve never had my heart broken and I can gladly say that up till this moment , I have never broke anybodies heart either.

I let out a shaky breath and I bring a hand up to my forehead and start to rub my temples, the beginning of a headache starting to bloom.

 This is it.

This is the one thing I have never wanted to do and I was going to do it. What do you say when you look into the eyes of someone who cares about you and you tell them that you don’t care for them as much as they care for you?

 I have no idea if Sterling loved me. Or if we could have loved each other. But I do know that it is going to hurt him either way.

I think about what if this whole thing was reversed? What if I wasn’t the one who found someone else and he was?

   If I told him I cared for him, kissed him, and then he came to me and said he wanted someone else , I would be ... Heat broken. 

Duh, you idiot! That is the whole point of this.

I shake my head. I have no idea how people can do this? The whole thing was making me feel like I was going to throw up. It felt like I was the bad guy in some movie.

Maybe I was the bad guy?

  I turn on my blinkers at a stop light and I let go of the steering wheel for a moment and drag my hands over my face. I had to do this. Once this was over I could ... What? Establish a relationship with Aiden?

Till this moment, I never thought about what would happen after I confronted him about the dance. Now he knows I have fallen for him and I know that he has fallen for me, but what is the next step?

Oh my god, did this mean he was going to end up my ... boyfriend?

 Okay, Why does that sound to .... Real?

  I have never had a real boyfriend and I don't think Aiden has actually had a girlfriend either. How do I even be a girlfriend?

I think about how Kelsey dated this guy Max who was on the basketball team and she would always go to his games. Did that mean that if Aiden joined a team, I would have to go to his games?

 The light turns green and I turn, coming to a decision. Maybe I wasn’t girlfriend material. I could never see myself in the bleachers cheering on my boyfriend as he throws baskets into a hoop.

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