Chapter twenty eight

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I know, this upload took awhile to write because, One :

I have this English project due.

and Two: I got this new computer and I am trying to figure it out ! :p

anyways,  I am going to get started on the next chapter, and trust me you do NOT want to miss that one ! So, bear with me ! (:

Enjoy !

- NickyMb <33 


I will admit that going to the ball was something that I never thought I would be doing.

Dresses and heels, makeup and nail polish, they are a just few of the things I never seemed to be interested in.

My mother always said I was like my brother when it came to things like that. In the end, I guess she was always right.

Because, right now as I turn in the mirror, the pink dress that Kelsey and Kayla made me try on flowing around my feet, I wanted to gag at my reflection.

"This isn't the one! " I yell over the dressing room door. I hear Kayla sigh and Kelsey follow suit right behind her sister.

We have been looking for a dress since yesterday and so far nothing has caught my attention or screamed to be' The one .'

 Though, I have no idea how one figures out if their dress seriously is ' The one ' or not.

"That is, like , your 30th dress!" Kayla yells over. Luckily for her, she found her perfect dress on the first try.

 Her dress was short, black, and something that I could never see someone wearing to a ball; more like a club if I say so myself.

 But, that's just Kayla. She never cared before, so why start now?

"Mia, maybe you aren't looking at it right. " Kelsey says and I roll my eyes in the mirror. I'm pretty sure I  was looking at the dress perfectly fine.

It turns out, pink really wasn't my color.

"Trust me, this dress just ins't working. "

I hear a commotion outside and then all of a sudden, a head pops over the opening above the door. Kayla squints her eyes down at me as I hear Kelsey shout something.

"Yeah, she's right. This dress isn't working. "

I look at her, wondering how the hell she got her head over the door, when I head Kelsey shout:

"That's my head you are on!" Okay, mystery solved.

Kayla head pops away and I sigh as I hurry up and put on my shorts and tank top. All I could think about was the mask that showed up on my porch the other day and why someone did it.

I mean, the idea was sweet, but why would they care if I knew who they were or not?

That thought alone has been running through my mind about every five minutes and I wish that on the note they would have put a name.

I open the dressing room door and thrust the dress out to them. "It is decided. I am not going to this ball thing. I guess it really wasn't in my cards. "

Kelsey grabs the dress and folds it in her arms while Kayla gives me a disbelieving look.

"Are you serious? Of course the ball is in your cards! You wouldn't have been given a mask, nor asked to go by some guy. Come on Mia, this is it. You have been waiting for a guy to come your way since forever!"

"Actually, " I say to her, holding up a finger as Kelsey walks over and gives the dress to the girl at the front of the fitting rooms.

"You are the one always looking for Mr. Right. Turns out, my Mr. Right just isn't working out. Plus, the whole note thing is kind of odd, don't you think?"

Kayla opens her mouth, I am sure to disagree about the whole 'Odd' thing, when I see a dressing room door open a girl with black hair and a light blue dress step out with a big smile.

Ivy Ellis looks over at me and the smile gets bigger.

My eyes travel down her dress and even I had to admit, the thing was gorgeous. Sparkles hit the light and the tightness of the dress wasn't'  too much or too less.

The slit running up the side of her thigh showed the perfect amount of leg and the blue contrasted with her black hair perfectly.

 Yeah, it was like God was working against me today.

     “Oh, look who it is. Mia and the two dimwits. “ Ivy says, sneering a little as she curls her lip up to us disgut.

Kayla bristles next to me and Kelsey walks over, see’s Ivy , and shakes her head sadly at her in return.

Ivy never really had a problem with Kayla or Kelsey. The only thing that they did wrong was become best friends with me. And, doing that, makes you an enemy of Ivy Ellis.

yeah, it was sad.

“Look who it is, the lipo queen. “ I say brightly to her and Ivy scuffs. She turns around in her dress and runs her fingers over the blue sparkles adoringly.

“Like?” She says, as if she just read my thoughts earlier.

“No. “Kayla says with a straight face.

Ivy’s eyes scan over her and then she goes back to looking at me, as If Kayla was some little ant she could squish any minute.

“The problem is Mia, I heard you were buying a dress. That got me thinking. Who in their mentally challenged mind would ever go to the ball, let along the parking lot, with you?”

 “You know, Ivy, “ Kayla says, leaning against the wall. She looks at her nails and then her eyes skate to Ivy’s.

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