The Baptist Pentecost

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Sometimes we forget that the Holy Ghost can meet you wherever you are. He can even meet you in a oppressed and self-righteous Baptist Church. He's not respecter of person after all.

We tend to put limits on what God can do. We often find ourselves saying things like, "oh, they're too far gone", "God could never come into this place/circumstance", "God can heal them" and other crazy things. When in all reality there is no limit to what God can do. Here is the one stipulation though, what God does is directly proportional to how obedient we are to Him. In order for God to move, someone has to be willing to obey Him.

Mason and I have attended a youth emphasis revival at a Baptist church the last couple of nights. We didn't necessarily want to, but God tends to send us to minister to places we don't want to minister to (God sends us to a lot of Ninevahs.)

We honestly didn't expect much. It was in this church that had been dead for years, it was broken and falling apart, there was no neighborly love present (everyone hated everyone.) It was just a really bad Church situation. To the point where when you walked into the doors you could feel oppression pushing down on you. It just wasn't a good place.

About 45 minutes into the first night, the Spirit led Mason and I to start pleading the blood of Jesus over the church. So you had two Holy Ghost believing Pentecostals at the alter of a Baptist church pleading the blood of Jesus and claiming the place as Holy Ground. Then, like we'd witnessed many times in our own church, the Holy Ghost fell. The Holy Ghost fell in a Baptist Church.

It takes a believer (or in this case two believers) stepping out in faith and obeying God in order for God to move. Because we stepped out in faith we witnessed the Holy Ghost fall on a Baptist Church which led to a breaking down of strongholds and a lot of salvations. God moved because we made a way for God to move.

Tonight, I give you a preachers exhortations, not a sermon. Tonight, this Pentecostal preacher isn't preaching to you. Tonight I'm encouraging you and requesting something of you. Step out in your faith. Be obedient to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Make a way for God to move.

Abba, make us more sensitive to Your voice and Your promptings. Allow us to more clearly hear Your still, small voice. Help us to be more obedient to you.

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