chapter 13

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Water surrounded Aki, her lungs slowly filling with water, her arms thrashing about, trying to keep her above the surface. With all her might Aki tried to keep herself alive.

Aki was loosing chakra, she couldn't hold on anymore, she gave up. Aki started to slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean, her life was draining and soon her life would be over. All her hopes and dreams demolished.

As Aki's vision was fading, along with her life she saw a tall figure jump into the water, he had blond hair, green eyes and was wearing a blue and white outfit. He was reaching out to her, almost desperately.

Aki woke up in a cold sweat. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. She got dressed, ate breakfast and walked out the door for training.

Aki and Miya talked about some training techniques and stories and things they did

"So Miya, now that you know what I did yesterday and my weird death dream. What happened to you yesterday?" Aki asked.

"Well you see-" Miya spoke

*Flashover to what happened with Miya yesterday*

Miya sat at her desk in her room, she was doing homework, like how much chakra it takes to use a certain jutsu or what jutsu is stronger than the other where some of the questions. Miya was having trouble with question 9 "how long does chakra regain take? Use simple math to find out." Although Miya knew it was something to do with clans and body weight, she just couldn't get an exact amount for clans B and D.

A knock came from Miyas door, Miya walked down to her door and opened it. There she saw Sasuke himself, both Sasuke and Miya blushed lightly "um hey Miya, wanna study together?" The uchiha asked with a few things in his hand.

"Um yeah sure..." Miya responded, she was embarrassed because she was in her purple pajamas with her clans chakra fire symbol on the back.

'aww, she looks cute' Sasuke thought as he followed Miya up the stairs.

Miya and Sasuke finished their work together, it was about 12:30 when they finished, Miya couldn't stay up much longer, she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. Sasuke blushed and picked her up bridal style and set her down on her bed so she'd not hurt her neck.

Sasuke kissed Miya on her forehead and left.

*End of flashback thingy*

"Aww that's cute!" Aki purred

"Heh yeah..." Miya blushed.

"Hey guys! When are we going on a mission? Pawafurusun is such a slacker lol! We wont pass the chunin exams like this!" Taysuke blabbed

"Actually, I was planning on taking you guys on a mission tomorrow, so you all should train then go pack your things, it's a C rank mission so we'll be gone for a few days." Pawafurusun said out of nowhere. The tall woman grabbed Taysuke by his ear. "And you, don't you know how to respect your sensei? I'm thinking I should fail you before you even get to the chunin exams and replace you with that crewless genin!" Pawafurusun yelled in his ear.

"Okay okay I'm sorry Pawafurusun-sensei!!" Taysuke yelled in a panic filled tone.

"Okay, that's the respect I want from you!" Pawafurusun yelled. "And you Aki, I know you have that sharingan and that extensive amount of chakra, and you Miya, you have a bunch of chakra too, don't forget that even though you have a ton of chakra, not using the right jutsus at the right time could make your definite win a definite loss" Pawafurusun spoke.

Aki and Miya nodded.

"Wuh? Why do they get so much respect?" Taysuke squawked.

"Because they give me respect." Pawafurusun replied snarkily

Everybody ran home to get their things.

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