chapter 25

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Aki sat by Gaara, he was asleep. Aki looked over to his bathroom and sighed, she grabbed some of his clothes and a towel and walked into the large bathroom. She took a shower, dried off and got out. Gaara woke up at looked at Aki. "Why are you wearing my clothes?" He asked.

"Because mine were tattered." Aki smiled, Gaara nodded.

"Okay." He mumbled "Aki, I have a question." Gaara asked, Aki smiled, sitting down next to his in bed." I got this strange feeling in my chest when you kissed me, it was like I just really wanted to be closer to you" Gaara spoke monotonely.

"That's love, Gaara, you love me." Aki smiled, Gaara nodded and hugged her.

"I thought I could only love myself." Gaara said, touching Aki's grey hair. "I'm sorry I killed you, I love you...I think" Gaara mumbled.

Aki smiled and nuzzled into his neck "sorry I hurt you" Aki mumbled, Gaara pulled her down onto the pillow.

"It's fine." Gaara spoke, putting the blanket over her body. Aki fell asleep in Gaaras arms.


Aki was older, she stepped into a classroom, Chui and some kid who looked like shikamaru sat together, it was midday. "Come on boys, it's time to go home." Aki spoke, using a 'come here' motion with her arm. The two boys got up and stood by her.

"Took ya long enough mom!" Chui chuckled. The kid next to him smiled.


Aki opened her eyes and was face to face with Gaaras chest, Aki smiled and snuggled into his arms, Gaara squirmed and hugged her. Aki yawned and looked up at Gaara and smiled, he smiled slightly "there it is, my favorite thing!" Aki smiled.

Gaara snickered and closed his eyes. "I'm glad you like it." He huffed. Aki's eyes gleamed. Gaara stopped smiling and he hugged Aki, something was eating him up inside. He really did feel bad for hurting her, no he didn't just hurt her he killed her. Why would she still love him after that? Even if they were meant to be lovers why would she love him? He killed her best friends family.

Aki held Gaaras hand and looked at his forehead "hey Gaara, where are your eyebrows?" Aki asked innocently.

"I wasn't born with any, people call me ugly because of it." Gaara answered, Aki furrowed her brows.

"That's dumb, you're really handsome." Aki frowned, Gaara raised an nonexistent eyebrow. "You are really! Your so cute! Your sea-green eyes are perfect and they go great with your gorgeous fluffy perfection that is your scarlet hair. And don't forget your perfect pale skin, my god you don't have a single blemish And last but not least, your smile is the cutest thing ever, you are the cutest thing ever." Aki rambled on, Gaara blushed and rested his head on hers.

"Thank you. I really am sorry I killed you, without you I'd probably stay the same..." Gaara trailed off, Aki touched his shoulders and brought her face to his chest and nuzzled him, her cheeks became Rosey and she smiled.

"Don't worry about it Gaara! It's perfectly fine. Besides I already forgave you on this." Aki chuckled, she scooted up to eye level with him and kissed his button nose, Gaara blushed and kissed her neck, it was sloppy and his lips were cold but Aki still appreciated it.

"Would you like to go get ice cream later, it's going to get really hot" Gaara spoke and Aki nodded, the two got out of bed and headed to the living room.

Aki dug through the fridge and grabbed a can of soda, Gaara sat on the couch and Aki sat next to him. Temari came into the room "Hey Aki, what's going on with your hair and eyes?" She asked, Aki raised an eyebrow. "Oh my god your eyes are so sunken!" She gasped. Aki thought.

"Might be my beast canine." Aki thought outloud. Temari frowned and sat down by gaara.

"We're going on a mission today so you'll have to come Aki." Temari spoke Aki nodded breifly. Aki looked at gaara and sighed, she kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. Aki got up from her seat and went into gaaras room to change into his clothes. Aki came out with a black shirt with net underneath and short black shorts. Gaara smiled slightly and closed his eyes.


Aki breathed harshly, gaara was in a ball of sand, temari held onto her fan tightly and kankuro passed out. Temari tried to do another attack but the tall man with long purple hair dodged. Aki snorted and sighed "come on man just return the god damn porn books!" Aki snapped. The man growled.

"They're not porn books!" he snapped, waving his purple hair everywhere. Temari sighed.

"Who cares what kind of books they are just pay for them man!" Temari huffed. The man stomped.

"Just leave me alone!" the man squealed. Aki frowned and pulled back her hand.

"RASENGAN!" Aki shouted and hit him with her hand, he flew backwards and she dusted off her hands and picked up the four books. Gaara put down his shield and ccoughed. Temari picked up kankuro and the four walked back to the book store to return the books.

Aki looked into a cafe and saw a strange man wearing a hat drinking tea, he looked strangely familiar, he was also wearing a akatsuki jacket. Thats right...the man who helped awaken her sharingan and the man who killed his entire clan, Itachi Uchiha.

Aki sat down on her porch sobbing, she was 8 years old and she was afraid her dad wouldn't come home since he has been on a mission for a month and was going to miss her birthday tomorrow. Itachi sat down next to her "hello my dear, whats wrong?" Itachi asked calmly, Aki sniffed and pushed her long brown hair back.

"My dad wont be home for my birthday tomorrow..." Aki sobbed, Itachi held her small hand.

"Tomorrow is Sasukes birthday as well, why don't you two have a birthday party together?" Itachi spoke  calmly (yes i (aki) actually share a birthday with sasuke 😂 july 23rd!)

Aki smiled and hugged Itachi. "Oh thank you. Itachi-Niisan!" aki giggled, Itachi smiled and hugged her softly.


"Niisan..." Aki mumbled, grabbing onto her chest. Temari looked at Aki, noticing tears forming in Akis eyes. "Ill be right back guys" aki sighed.

Aki sat down infront of Itachi "hi Niisan!" Aki smiled,tears falling from her sunken eyes "its Aki."Aki mumbled. Itachi raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly.

"Hello Aki, how is Sasuke doing?" Itachi asked. Aki smiled.

"Hes still moody...heh...I miss my best friend. I feel...sick. Goodbye Niisan." Aki wiped tears from her eyes. Aki got up and ran to the sand siblings house.

Aki crashed into the house and ran into gaaras room. She crashed into his arms, gaara wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her, they stayed like that until Aki dosed off.

Zoro stood Infront of Aki "Zoro?" Aki mumbled, Zoro smirked.

"Darling, I think I have a deal for you." He spoke gruffly, aki raised an eyebrow.

"What would that be?" She asked curiously.

"Well I'll give you all the protection and power in my body for the control of your own." He spoke, Aki widened her eyes.

"That would be unfair to the person I'm fighting and uninteresting." Aki stated.

"Now let me rephrase this, without my restraint and overall powerful my presence will drive you slowly insane whether you or I can help it. I'm only stopping it from taking you over, but in the process I must turn your weak chakra into my own." He stated, Aki was taken a bit back.

What would she do?

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