chapter 19

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Naruto hopped down from the window "what the hell?!" He yipped frowning, Aki looked over at Naruto and smiled, still hugging Gaara, Naruto walked up to Aki and grabbed her away from him, she frowned knowing that Gaara might hurt Naruto. "He just killed your teammate and your response is too cling on to him like he was a life raft?!" Naruto growled, holding her wrist Aki widened her eyes in fear.

"Gaara please stay back, don't hurt him." Aki asked Gaara "Naruto, I have to love him, it was in a dream from our son" she whispered.

"That's bologna!" Naruto growled.

"Trust me I am doubting it too and I don't know if the whole thing's true" Aki frowned whispering to him.

Naruto scowled and crossed his arms. People came out and took Taysuke away on a stretcher. Aki looked at Gaara and walked towards him, she stood next to him and held his hand, he looked towards her, Aki looked at him and sighed "Gaara...I understand people make you mad and they make fun of you and I know more than enough about how that feels but killing isn't the way to go about it." Aki spoke, looking at the ground.

"How would you know how it feels?" Gaara asked in an angered tone.

"B-Because...I have a monster sealed inside of me too." Aki mumbled, Gaara unlinked his hand from hers.

"Then why are you so happy?" Gaara growled, Aki looked at him.

"Because I don't kill people, that way people don't hate me. Gaara you've trapped yourself!" Aki said loudly. Gaara scowled.

"Shut up Woman! Killing makes me feel alive!" Gaara shouted, Aki stepped back and Naruto stomped one foot forward.

"G-Gaara..." Aki stuttered, Naruto grabbed her wrist protectively.

"Gaara stop! You're going to be disqualified!" A sensei yelled out, Pawafurusun to be exact. The tall, blonde woman jumped down and glared at Gaara.

"You dare kill another person of my team and I'll kill you myself." Pawafurusun growled, Gaara relaxed and Pawafurusun snorted, she jumped up to the room where everyone else was in. "The chunin exams are going to be put off for a week due to the death of Taysuke." She spoke loudly.

Gaara walked away, seemingly disappearing into the Forrest. Naruto still held onto Aki's wrist, she reached at Gaara "wait..." She mumbled, Naruto pulled her back.

"Let him cool off." Naruto spoke calmly. Aki looked towards Naruto and sighed. Aki turned towards the wall and walked towards it and say down, she looked at the blood on the ground and she knew Taysuke was dead for sure. Naruto sat by her and watched her make patterns in the dry dirt.

Miya held Sasukes hand and breathed harshly, she couldn't believe she just witnessed her teammate dying in such immense pain, she heard his bones crack and his screams of pain. Sasuke pet her long silky hair.

Ikue looked down, disappointed in himself and shaking, Pawafurusun walked up to him and touched his shoulder, he looked towards her and froze. "Ikue, I might take you into my team, since Taysuke died by Gaaras hands. Would that be okay with you" she asked solemnly, Ikue relaxed and nodded slightly. Pawafurusun smirked and nodded then she walked away.

Ikue sunk down and held his face into his knees. Kids began to slip out of the room and go home.

Sasuke and Miya walked outside, Sasuke had his arm wrapped around her waist, they walked to the water and sat down. Miya rested her head on Sasukes shoulder, they looked towards the glittering water and watched the sun sink to the other side of the earth.

Aki laid down in Narutos home on his couch, she looked out of the window and sighed. "Gaaras definitely mad at me." Naruto looked at her through his kitchen and frowned.

"Probably, but I know he's thinking about what you said, he's got to take it in. He'll be fine." Naruto groaned, sitting up from his chair and marching over to Aki and sitting by her, on the ground by the couch. Aki turned to face him and smiled slightly.

"I know it's weird but I love him, he's really nice if you get to know him." Aki said calmly. Naruto looked at the ground and yawned.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight Aki" Naruto grumbled, Aki got up and smiled.

"Good night Naruto." Aki said, smiling. Aki headed for the door and went outside. The short girl smilied weakly and began to go search for Gaara in the woods.

Gaara was underneath a tree, his eyes were closed and he looked calm. Aki sat down by him and placed her hand on his "hey Gaara." She said calmly, Gaara looked at her and sighed.

"Oh, it's just you... hello Aki, I've been thinking about what you've said and...I'm sorry it's just killing makes me feel so alive." Gaara spoke. Aki widened her brown orbs.

"Try loving someone! It doesn't hurt at all unless they hate you and it doesn't involve ending the lives of others." Aki said desperately, Gaara looked at her.

"I've tried to love someone before and they secretly hated me and tried to kill me." Gaara said in a monotone voice.

Aki gripped his hand and rested her head on his shoulder "I'm sorry about that... I'd never abandon you, I'd make sure you felt loved everyday and I'd hug you and give you lots of kisses and-" Gaara wrapped his arms around her and hugged her, Aki blushed furiously. They stayed there like that and eventually Aki fell asleep with Gaara still cuddling her.

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