chapter 27

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Aki walked into the village and smiled. Aki sat on a bench and rested. She pulled a piece of paper and a pencil from her kunai pouch and began to draw. Aki smiled as she saw the wolf she was drawing beginning to look like an actual wolf. Aki put her drawing into her pouch and she stood up and decided to go to ichirakus. Aki sat down and ordered her meal, Aki ate a bunch, paid and left. Aki decided to go home, so she did.

Aki went home and fell asleep. Aki did the same thing she did yesterday. She ate ramen and paid. She was about to jump off the stool when she saw Naruto and some old man with long white hair and two streaks of red coming down his face. Aki grinned and hopped off and ran towards Naruto. Aki hugged him and he squawked. "Aki le-let go!!" he screamed. Aki let go and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sorry Naruto...I missed you!" Aki giggled, the old man shook his head smiling and he sat down on the stool. Naruto moved past her and sat down by the old man. Aki quickly ran to sit by Naruto.

"So Naruto? Who's your girlfriend." the old man asked. Naruto frowned.

"She's not my girlfriend!" he screeched. Aki giggled and ordered more ramen.

The man next to Naruto looked at Aki as Naruto ordered. "So you're Aki right? Naruto missed you a lot and really pushed himself to learn rasengan because of you. Turns out he was a natural. The name's Jirayia." he spoke calmly then ordering his ramen.

"Woah! The Jirayia!? The toad sage and one of the legendary sanin!?" Aki's eyes gleamed. Jirayia smiled. The three got their food and began to eat.

"So Aki, isn't your birthday coming up?" Naruto asked. Aki nodded.

"Yeah, its both me and Sasukes." Aki mumbled with her mouth full. Naruto cringed.

"Ew Sasuke." Naruto growled. Aki chuckled and ate more ramen. "Oh by the way, be careful around Jirayia. Hes a big perv." Naruto spoke.

"Hey! Don't tell her that!" Jirayia fumed. Naruto chuckled and ate more of his ramen.

"Hey you know its true pervy sage!" Naruto snorted.

Aki giggled and ate more ramen.
Naruto got more ramen and began to eat that too, happy that he was going to eat all the ramen he could at Jirayia's expense. "Still cant believe old lady Tsunade is going to be the 5th hokage instead of me. I mean she's totally out of it!" Naruto complained. Aki's eyes widened.

"Wait we have a new hokage already?" Aki spoke in shock.

"Yeah and shes a complete bi-" Naruto was cut off by Jirayia's glare. Aki activated her sharingan and glared back at Jirayia. The two stopped. Aki paid for her meal and hopped off the stool.

"Well, bye Naruto! bye Jirayia." Aki smiled. Beginning to walk away.

"Wait! Aki go to my house! I want you spend the night with me!" Naruto spoke. Aki smiled.

"Alrighty! See you soon Naruto!" Aki smiled, running off to his house.

Aki opened the door and stepped inside. Aki cringed at the sight of dirty dishes and take out containers everywhere. Aki began to clean up his house. Aki washed dishes, took out the trash and put his dirty clothes in his hamper, knowing she'd have to wash them at her house. Not that she minded. Aki also cleaned his bathroom.

Naruto came inside his house and saw Aki sitting on the couch. Naruto sat by her and smiled "thanks for cleaning up the place Aki. You'd make a good wife." Naruto said happily.

"No problem and thanks I guess. So tell me about what happened with pervy sage." Aki grinned. Naruto gave one of his closed mouth smiles.

"Alright!" he chuckles.

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