Chapter One

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Connor was facing his locker, quietly putting things into it as he mentally prepped himself for the grueling school day. He made sure to hide the small stash of weed in a pocket of the locker as he put his books inside, knowing he'll need it at lunch to help ease his mind.

Although he himself may not have known, Connor had undiagnosed Depression, Anxiety, and BPD. His parents never bothered to get him to talk to a therapist about his suicidal thoughts or his frequent panic attacks. They never once thought that he needed to seek treatment for his outbursts and mood swings. They just believed he was a normal teenager doing, well, teenage things.

Connor slammed is locker shut and heaved his backpack over his shoulder, beginning the slow trudge through the crowded halls of his school towards his first period: Gym. God, Connor hated that place. It smelled like death and reeked of testosterone. He never understood why he was forced to take it year after year.

He blew a small strand of hair out of his face as he pushed past a crowd of teens stopped in the center of the hallway. As he walked, someone bumped into him. He let out an annoyed noise and looked at the kid. He was short, most likely around 5'3", and had dirty blond hair that seemed messy and unkempt. He wore a blue striped polo and had a cast on his arm. He looked up at Connor, shaking a bit.

"S-S-Sorry- I-I didn't m-mean to." The boy spoke, his voice cracking and shaking. He seemed anxious, his hands vibrating softly. Connor's glare softened and helooked away, hands in his pockets.

" 's fine, no big deal." He mumbled a bit and glanced back at the kid. He noticed his cast was blank and hummed. The hallway was starting to thin out as kids got to their classes. "Want me to sign your cast?"

The boy junped a bit at the voice, looking uncomfortable and looking like he wanted to speak, but just settled on a small nod, pulling a pen from his kahki's pocket and handing it to Connor. The taller boy grabbed it and the cast, earning a tense 'ow.' from the unknown boy. He gave an apologetic grin before scribbling out his name in large, black, messy letters.

Now that he's looking at it, he knows it wasn't the smartest of decisions, but it worked. The boy in blue looked down, mumbling a thanks before hurrying off, holding his bag close. Connor let out an alarmed noise, holding up the pen.

"Hey, wait, your... Pen...." The boy was too far out of sight and Connor sighed, heading to his class.

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