Chapter 3: Don't Talk to Strangers

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I was still figuring out the well known criminals here in Gotham. Being a criminal psychology major, there was a lot of talk in classes about them so it wasn't at all difficult.

It had been days since I last talked to Bruce Wayne. I had no interest in getting to know him or make up for lost time. He could've called or visited and yet he chose not to be a part of my life. I had come to terms with the fact that I was currently using him, but I had no other option. I'd be on the streets otherwise. At least he had agreed to let me stay.

I made it to my first psychology class of the year here at Gotham University. I made an effort to get to my classes early to be prepared, so I wasn't surprised when I opened the door to see only the professor in the room.

"Oh! Hello." I smiled. "I'm Iris." I shook hands with him confidently.

"Doctor Jonathan Crane, pleasure. You must be Iris Wayne then. You don't happen to be related to the infamous Bruce Wayne, do you?"

I swallowed. Was I to be known as the billionaire playboy's mystery child? "Hardly." I choked out, taking my seat in the front row.

Dr Crane shifted his tie uncomfortably and changed the subject, connecting the fact that I didn't want to talk about it. "Did you transfer here? I don't recall seeing you in the psychology 101 course."

"Yes, I'm from Williams College in Mass."

"That's impressive. Forgive me if I seem like I'm prying, but why would you transfer here from Williams?"

"Oh, there were some... Family complications. So I was kinda forced to move here to be honest. Though I must admit, this is a fantastic city to study criminal psychology. I'm not regretting it so much." I smiled reassuringly.

He burst out in a short but loud laugh. "I apologize. Its just, you couldn't be more right. You see, I'm a psychologist and therapist at Arkham Asylum. I study and help the mentally insane criminals of Gotham. Have you heard of the recent break out?"

I nodded. "The Joker they call him, right?"

"I was his doctor. The guy was a freak... Wasn't afraid of anything either."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Doctor Cane looked at me seriously and replied, "When someone has no fear, it makes you wonder: have they already gone through something so mentally poisoning that they are numb to anything else? This man... I have no doubt he's had a dark past, but up here-" He pointed to his cranium. "He is psychotic and sick, and yet he talked to me like he knew what he was talking about. Passed all of my exams with flying colours too."

"Your job sounds so intense." I stared at him in awe.

"It sounds amazing yes, but it takes it's toll... How are you in dealing with morbidity and the criminally insane, Miss Wayne?"

I laughed, even though the question was meant to be seriously answered. "I'm intrigued by the insane. That's why I'm majoring in criminal psychology. I'm naturally very curious and people like the Joker catch my eye. I'd love to study someone like him."

"Did you know Arkham has an internship program?"

"Really?" I gaped at him. "To be able to see what goes on in there would be..." I shook my head in disbelief, not really sure what it would be like. I invisioned cell after cell full of screaming people and ugly white walls. Maybe it wouldn't be all that amazing to actually work in a place like that...

"An internship would look great on your resume too. I'll see if I could get you set up with an interview."

Just then a couple girls walked into the classroom and greeted us before taking their seats. I smiled at the professor before turning to my notebook.

I hurriedly made my way to the bus stop. Alfred had warned me against walking around alone at night in Gotham, but this class ended at 8:30pm so I didn't have much of an option. I had been offered to have a vehicle pick me up after class, but I refused. I didn't want to look like a snobby rich kid and I already chanced enough attention simply having Wayne as a last name. Lucky for me most people didn't see the connection today.

I tapped my foot impatiently and snuggled closer inside my grey button up jacket and blue scarf. "Waiting for the bus?" A voice from behind me made me jump. I turned to see a figure sitting in the shadows on the bus stop bench.

"I hadn't noticed you there. Uh, ya. Do you know what time it'll get here?"

"In another 10 minutes." I saw the guy's head roll up and down. I wasn't sure if he was checking me out or just observing me, but it creeped me out. An odd presence came from this stranger and it was unsettling knowing that it was just me and him here. "You a student?"

I nudged my backpack that I had leaned on my leg in response. "Criminal psychology major. Just got out of Dr. Crane's class. Do you know him?"

The guy snorted loudly which turned into a long, loud giggle. "Do I know him? Um, ya. He's kinda a big shot around here... Are you good at what you do?"

"I- what?" 7 more minutes.

"I said, are you good at what you do. I mean the whole criminal psycholo- whatsis or whatever." He drawled the r. His speech almost sounded sloppy and lazy... No, how about mellow and drawled... I tried to find something to compare his voice to, but I couldn't.

"I suppose." I shrugged, trying not to toot my own horn. His question wasn't very specific either.

"Don't be modest. I wanna know what you truly think of your ability in, er, analyzing the- let's call it: criminally insane." There was definitely a hint of humour and interest in his voice. I couldn't tell if he was making fun of me or not, but I decided to be truthful.

"Well, I transferred from Williams in MA and Doctor Crane offered to hook me up with an internship interview at Arkham on the first day of class so... I suppose I've got to be doing something right." 5 minutes left. I surprised myself at how bored of all this I truly sounded. Maybe I should be feeling more panicked. I mean, a creepy guy sitting in the shadows trying to have a full blown conversation with a girl who's all alone at night time... yah, I'd say that's a reason to panic.

"That wasn't so hard now was it? You got a name?" He leaned forward in his seat. I looked at my watch. This bus was taking much to long.

I looked back at him and sighed. "Iris." I left it at a first name basis. This guy was giving me the creeps. The sound of a groaning bus was heard in the distance as I looked up to see it coming our way. It screeched loudly and it's doors flew open.

I jumped inside and flashed my bus pass, then went to go take a seat. There were only 8 other people on the bus. I guess people really didn't go out at night here.

As soon as my backpack made contact with the seat a loud bang echoed throughout the bus. People jumped in their seats and even a couple screams left the lips of the more jittery women in the back. I ducked into my seat and peeped up from where I sat.

My eyes widened with fear when I realised who had just shot a hole through the roof. It was the Joker himself, face paint and all.

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