Chapter 24: Interrogation

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Ring ring
Please pick up.
Ring ring
Come on-

"Dr. Crane? This is... ehem, this is Iris..."

"Dear God, Iris? Are- are you alright? I heard all about what happened-"

"Lets just get to the point, Doctor." I breathed steadily before continuing. "I've been through hell and crawled out of its pits to take it lightly. I've been thinking, and I've had a lot of time to think, that I want to take you up on that intern offer, if it's still available that is."

There was silence for a moment and then he asked, "After everything you've been through, you want to be in the same building as the man who put you through hell?"

"Yes." I immediately answered.

"By all means the offer is still up for grabs." I knew he couldn't refuse, his line of work was too precious to him and I just made things interesting.

"Perfect, when do I start?"

"Next week. I'll need time to prepare things for you. Swing by this Friday to file the paperwork and get your background checks done."

"Alright, I will be sure to meet you then. Thank you, Dr. Crane."

"No, Iris, thank you."

Just like that I hung up. I knew what I was putting at risk here but I didn't care. If it meant getting the Joker out of that prison I would do it. I also knew Dr. Crane would pull strings to get me in if he had to. I just offered him something he couldn't resist.

Just like Dr. Crane promised I was working at Arkham Asylum the following week. In everything he was truthful since the last time we spoke. My job really was a rooky position. I mostly did his grunt work like filing papers and taking down notes while he counseled inmates and patients, pretty much like a personal secretary.

Of course, when the time came he had denied me entry to the Joker's cell whenever he needed to visit him, which was once a week. It wasn't time for me to see him yet anyway.

I didn't care too much about my job either. I cared about Crane's research. I let a month go by before beginning a plan to ease it into a conversation with him. I had to be careful about how I brought such a delicate matter up.

Meanwhile, I trained everyday after work with my dad, who taught me everything he knew about self defense, martial arts, hand to hand combat, weapon handling, and more. I refused to speak to him about anything concerning Batman. I knew deep down I was avoiding the topic because I would have to face him one day as an enemy instead of my father, but hey, maybe then he would actually regret giving me up to play hide and seek with bad guys.

The bitterness in my chest grew greater with each passing day, but my strength grew stronger. I always imagined my targets as the Batman. He was one who took my dad away. If it weren't for him, maybe I could've grown up knowing both my parents. Could things have been different? Would I have even met the Joker? What a dull and boring life that would've been. Maybe I should be thanking the Batman instead...

I snickered, bringing my fist back and punching the target so hard my fist went numb. "Maybe that's enough for today." My dad's voice was nothing but a whisper in the wind as I wound up for another punch. "Iris!" His hand caught mine mid strike.

I snapped my head to look to his. He had a look of concern on his face. "That's enough. You're fists are bleeding."

I glanced at my hands which indeed were covered in fresh blood. "It's just blood. I'm sure you've seen your fair share." I tried to pull my hand from his grasp but he held on tight.

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