Chapter 14: Definitely Not Biology Class

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Hello readers! Figured I'd drop in and see what everyone thought of the story so far. This is actually the very first story I've ever posted, so naturally I was nervous to post it, but I thought hey, someone other then me has got to enjoy it!
Also, I'll give you a heads up and say that I'm not sure how people will react to this chapter. I needed to reflect on the dark side of the Joker and keep it intact. I honestly don't think it's that bad, but all I know is if I had something like this happen to me I'd be scarred. Sometimes when writing a Joker- love story people lose sight of him being a complete psycho (let's be real here).
I mean, if you read the comics, he did some pretty crazy, morbid stuff. The movie was tame next to those. Anyway, on to the story!

These past few days were very quiet. I chose to ignore the fact that I was staying at the Joker's apartment and instead focused on my songwriting and drawings. The Joker had made an appearance once, telling me he had a parade to attend and left. What about me? I wanted to attend a parade... Though I suppose I was classified as a missing person so if someone saw me I'd have to answer questions I really didn't want to answer.

I sighed for probably the 50th time today and strummed my guitar a few times before placing it gently on the bed. Or was it my bed now? These past couple days have given me time to think about what exactly happened that day we met at the bus stop leading to where I was now. Was I technically a captive here or not? If I asked, would the Joker let me leave? Or would I be forced to sit here bored stiff? In the end, what was the point of keeping me here? He'd get bored of me eventually. It was only a matter of time before he disposed of me. And the other night at my house when I collected my things... he asked if I was a virgin. What was that about? Maybe he was trying to make me feel uncomfortable or mock me.

I tried not to kid myself: to the Joker I probably looked like a sweet and innocent doll. He found it entertaining because he was anything but that.

Like a child, he'd play with me until he got bored and toss my lifeless body into an alley to collect dust. It was only a matter of time, so I needed to come up with some type of escape plan and fast.

I sat myself down at the window and stared out into the city. This apartment was up very high so you could see so much. I wasn't sure exactly where in Gotham I was, as I didn't know the city all that well, but no matter how hard I looked I didn't see the Wayne manor anywhere.

I jumped where I sat when there was a pounding at my door. Without awaiting reply the Joker waltzed in makeup and all.

"Sure, come right in. You're lucky I wasn't getting dressed or something." I huffed, leaning back on the window.

"How is that lucky?" He smirked, eyeing my guitar and sheet music and then looked back at me.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, looking back out the window. "What is it?"

"You look bored, sweet cheeks. I'm​ beginning to worry for your sanity being locked up in here." He walked up to me, bouncing on his toes. He seemed a bit too cheery today. "Say, I have an idea! Are you good with needles?"

I looked at him and replied almost in a panic, "Well if you're the one doling them out then no!" I snickered.

"No, I mean the other kind." The Joker imitated using a sewing needle.

"Oh..." I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity. "I've sewn only a handful of times in my life, I can't say it's one of my favorite of hobbies but-"

"And uh, ever dissected a frog? Pig, maybe? Like, whatever it is they have kids do at school." The Joker bounced on his toes, looking anxious and excited about something. Not quite knowing where he was going with this I simply nodded. "Eh, you'll do. Come on." The Joker grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the hallway.

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