Chapter 12: Screamer

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I was up every hour tossing and turning, haunted by dreams infested with monsters. I hadn't had an episode like this in years. Images of what happened at the night club repeated over and over in my head, driving me up the walls. Eventually I gave up and flicked the light switch on.

I needed a shower, but all of my possessions were at home. I had nothing here.

Here... Where was "here" anyway? Aw, well. I didn't care anymore. Nothing mattered. I decided that here was what I deserved- to be the Joker's pawn in whatever game he had up his sleeve for me. Why the hell was I even here? I began to hate myself as much as I hated the word.

Here, here, here. I closed my mouth when I realised I was saying it out loud. Being cooped up in this room was not good for me.

I studied the room I was sleeping in carefully. It had a lush bed, two nightstands and even a private bathroom. I had to admit, when the Joker dropped me off last night I was thoroughly surprised at how clean and cozy this place was. I thought for sure he would throw me in that basement again or something similar to it.

Slowly I rose from my bed and creaked over to the bedroom door. I was blindfolded through the drive and walk to this place, so I didn't know so much as what was behind the door. I turned the knob to find that of course, it was locked.

A feeling of panic nestled deep in my stomach and I instantly began to bang on the door while screaming for anyone to come to my aid. Within seconds the door was unlocked and in walks a man with nothing but sweatpants and a gun in hand. The guy looked half asleep and when I actually got a look at him I realised it was the Joker.

We both stared at each other for a second before I burst into hysterics. Seeing him look so ordinary was too comical and strange, but then it dawned on me: he didn't have his makeup on. The only way I could tell it was him was from the scars that crept up his face. He actually looked handsome. Could a beast like him actually look handsome? The thought astounded me as I observed his tan skin and pink scars descending into soft lips.

I fought hard not to look at his chest, but the guy had abs for Christ sakes! Scars and bruises painted his body sending a small dose of lust twisting inside my stomach. I quickly turned my gaze to the floor to hide my blushing cheeks. He looked like a whole different person.

"The hell are you screaming for at 3 in the morning?" He squinted at the light pouring into the hallway from my room while ignoring my previous laughing fit.

"Where am I? Were- were you sleeping??"

"Duh!" He yelped, waving his gun in the air.

"Am I in a hotel or something? Where are we?"

"My house. Now go to bed and be quiet or I will sew your mouth shut." He went to close the door but I stopped him. He looked at me with what was his death glare. Oh, I was really pushing his buttons, but he opened the door again anyway and walked in. "What?"

"I need my stuff."

He gawked at me. "You wake up in my house to scream me awake in the middle of the night and then, of all the things to ask for, you demand your stuff? Do you think you're moving in? You're not a guest here, sweet cheeks. I own you now, do you get that?"

"I don't care." I replied, even though I secretly did... A lot. "I just need my stuff."

He just stared at me in disbelief. I couldn't explain why I was so accepting of his kidnapping me and forcing me to stay. I think deep down I knew I couldn't be with my dad and live a normal life anymore after what happened last night. I couldn't be in a relationship with anyone without telling them what happened and if I did tell anyone they'd do me in for sure. I wasn't just a prisoner of the Joker, I was a prisoner of my actions. In other words, there was no going back and I wasn't sure how to soak this new reality in.

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