Chapter 18: Colors of Chaos

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Hello all! Figured I'd check in and see how you guys are liking the story so far.
Do we have any Gotham fans in the house? I've been binge watching that show like I don't have a life... I'm sad cause I'm nearing the last of already aired Season 3 episodes until I have to start watching it weekly on FOX. How will I binge watch then???
Anywho, I haven't gotten to Jerome Valeska's return yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm entertaining the idea of writing a Jerome Fanfic after I finish this story. Thoughts?
Enough with my many words, onto this story!

I sat with my legs crossed on the couch while the Joker stood behind watching the television. It was just announced that the Batman was going to turn himself in.

The Joker looked all jittery despite his comments that he didn't believe Batman would actually do it. I watched the Joker through the TV's reflection. His anxiousness was getting to him.

It was interesting to watch his hands tap the couch, then run through his hair, and back to the couch again.

"You don't want him to come forward, do you?" I smirked.

He glanced at me and looked away, almost looking ashamed. "No." He mumbled walking away and then back again. He gripped my shoulders and leaned down to speak in my ear excitedly. "He's too much fun. The more he fights back the more I want to play. He's so dead set on stopping me it's hilarious! Neither of us are moveable. It's like a neverending game of chess."

"You do love your games." I laughed.

Harvey Dent's voice broke the silence. The Joker reached over and grabbed the remote, cranking the volume up way too high. I watched as people shouted at him, demanding the Batman turn himself in. The Joker giggled wildly at their outbursts but I could tell he was regretting what it was he requested of the Batman.

"He's a good speaker I'll give him that." I mumbled. "Definitely does not like big crowds though, surprisingly."

"Have you met him?"

"Kinda. We talked a bit at his fundraiser but not too much was said. He seemed like a decent guy." I shrugged.

"Even a guy like Harvey Dent can be shown the true brilliance of anarchy. Just you wait. Soon Harvey Dent will be as breakable as a twig."

I looked at him questionably when suddenly Harvey Dent replied, "Very well. Bring the Batman into custody." There was a pause. "I am the Batman."

Instant panic pulsed through the wave of reporters as Harvey Dent was handcuffed and taken out of the room.

I stared at the screen expecting something else to happen like the Batman swinging down to save Harvey but nothing happened. The Joker was dead silent behind me and so I hesitantly looked over to see his head tilted and eyes squinting at the now black television. "Harvey Dent." He grinded his teeth together. "Harvey, Harvey Dent."

"You don't believe that he's the Batman do you?" I stood from my seat. "There's no way."

"Shut up." The Joker snapped, making his way to the door.

"Excuse me?" I retorted, slightly offended at his outburst.

"No, wait, don't..." The Joker looked up at me, obviously in deep thought about what was to come. "Why don't you think he's the Batman?"

"It just seems obvious that he's covering up for him. Harvey told me he believed in Batman. He's on his side so he wouldn't give his identity away when he knows Batman is the only one who stands a chance against you."

The Joker bit the inside of his mouth in thought and licked his lips. He shuffled up to me and held my chin up so I'd look at his face. "You must be bored cooped up in here with nothing to do. Fancy a drive?"

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