Chapter 13: Hierarchy

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I decided I wouldn't say anything about Bruce Wayne when we arrived at the manor. To my good fortune all the Joker did was raise his eyebrows at me. "Who would've thought you were loaded? Though you were socialising with all of Harvey's besties so I should have expected it. I bet your daddy buys all sorts of goodies for you." The Joker ranted as he hopped out of the van.

"I already told you, my aunt raised me- oh no, you can't come." I stated, walking over to him.


"If my dad is home he will see you. I'll try to be quiet and avoid anyone seeing me, but if he catches me with you then we both get caught."

He looked at his non-existent watch and pointed to it. "You got 15 minutes then I'm coming in. Got me?"

I nodded and darted down the driveway. The house was dead quiet and dark. There was no sign of anyone, but I didn't take the silence for granted. I tiptoed my way to the staircase when suddenly I heard a loud creaking noise come from the library just off the main entrance. I went against my better judgement and peeked inside just in time to see Alfred disappearing behind a bookshelf. "What the...?" It slammed behind him leaving me in an entranced state. Why would there be a secret door behind a bookshelf?

I wanted time to play detective, but I glanced at the clock to see that I had 10 minutes left, so I ran as quietly as I could up the stairs and to my room. I flicked the light switch on to reveal nothing had been moved all that much, though my bag had obviously been searched. I began to worry if maybe my dad knew something was up. I was irritated that the Joker talked to me the way he did at Harvey Dent's fundraiser. People probably speculated we were in cahoots with each other or something. Either that, or maybe if my dad had searched my room, he was looking for clues as to why the Joker chose to take me. Good thing I burned the card.

5 more minutes. I ran to my bathroom and grabbed my shampoo and hair products, and then started to pile it all in my case. It wasn't long before a quirky voice startled me by the window. "Its cozy in here."

I covered the scream that almost escaped my lips and twisted my body to see that the Joker had busted open my window. "How did you know this was my room?" I breathed heavily, helping him all the way through the window.

"It's the only one with a light on." He replied simply, soaking in his surroundings. He hadn't bothered to put his makeup on tonight, there was no need because no one would see him- unless of course my dad waltzed in hearing some loud commotion upstairs.

"You didn't have to come up here you know, I'm almost finished grabbing what I need." I lifted my case on my bed and stuffed a few more clothes inside before locking it shut. The Joker didn't respond as he paced around my room nonchalant, opening a couple drawers and cabinets.

"Not much in here." He finished pacing and stopped in front of me. "Are you a virgin?" He abruptly asked, taking me by huge surprise.

I choked on my own spit and got out, "Excuse me?" My eyes grew wide as he repeated himself.

"Are. You. A. Virgin?"

Now I was curious as to what exactly he was looking for in my room; sex toys or something? Why did he even care? I took a step back and grabbed my luggage, lightly placing it on the floor while responding, "You don't ever ask someone that. That's personal."

"Personal isn't a thing anymore when you're mine." He took another step forward, me taking another step back into the wall. He grinned playfully at me.

"That seems a bit one sided." I retorted when his hands came up and rested on either side of my head against the wall.

He shrugged. "Look at it as hierarchy. This is my city. I'm the boss and you- you don't get to make the executive decisions or leave out any of the small details. I own you."

"And where does the Batman fall in your hierarchy?"

"The Batman is more like the manager. He shadows everything but when it really comes down to business he's afraid to get his hands a little dirty. When someone is in charge they have to be willing to break their own law in order to get to the overall goal. The Batman is bound to his self righteous intentions but I'm not. I have no ties or- or precious little values or morals to hold me down. I can make sacrifices without really having to make any. That's why this is my city. I have nothing holding me back from giving Gotham what it deserves." His face was so close to mine our noses touched.

What was scaring me the most wasn't his close proximity, but the fact that I wasn't bothered by it. "A man with nothing is a man with everything." I whispered and then swallowed my fear and asked playfully, "So what does Gotham deserve, boss?"

His eyes lit up with fire, probably because of my surprisingly submissive response, and slowly leaned toward me until our foreheads lightly knocked together. With a seductive hiss he answered my question with one word: "Anarchy."

We both stood there in silence for a while as I pondered his speech. What was it about this man that was so... alluring? Or did all of this have to do with me and not him? Was I the one with the sick mind? He dressed up like a fucking clown and killed people for sport and I stood here almost feeling attracted to the guy. Yes, it was me.

I could feel his face lean in and for what, I was too afraid to admit, but we were interrupted by a loud crash coming from downstairs. Our bodies instantly pulled apart. The Joker grabbed my bag and with a swoop flung it out the window.

"My bag!" I silently squeaked as he climbed out after it. I went to follow him when I remembered my guitar and ran to it, placing it neatly in its case before slamming it shut. I popped my head through the window and looked down to see that he somehow made it safely to the ground already. The hell? I mouthed to him below.

He shrugged and flashed me a smile, motioning me to jump. I threw my guitar case down first which he caught with ease. I slid my legs over the window sill and sat there for a moment, hearing more crashes emanate from inside. I looked back down at the Joker who again motioned me down.

This is crazy. I thought right before jumping. I fell into his arms so swiftly that at first I didn't realize I had been caught. I opened my eyes to meet his gaze.

"Didn't think you'd be whisked away by this handsome prince, huh?" He chortled.

"You're not so bad." I replied, somehow partially believing it. He let me go and lifted my bag from the ground, heading towards the van. I slowly grabbed the handle to my guitar case and stood for a moment watching the Joker.

I noticed that tonight he had a certain walk that was not the same as when he was broadcasting himself to Gotham. Normally he put on a sloppy, jagged posture with his back hunched yet somehow managed to maintain a confident composition. He was definitely a crooked walker too, but tonight his walk was very muted to those traits. Tonight, as I watched him walk to the car, his footsteps were light and laid back, but the rest of his body held an intellectual muster to it with his back straight up and arms swaying ever so slightly at his side. He walked evenly and swiftly with focus.

Tonight, he walked like someone who had a plan.

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