Chapter 9: Fundraiser

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I had left Arkham Asylum with an empty application still in hand. Dr. Crane's odd behaviour was giving me second thoughts. He had told me way to much and now I was skeptical of his motives, but maybe he intended for me to be. I tried easing my nerves, telling myself I would at least be working with an honest man... A little too honest maybe.

Upon entering the Wayne manor I remembered that I had no time to think about the strange occurrence this morning. I had a party to attend tonight.


I couldn't believe I was doing this. On my way to go to a fundraiser hosted by Bruce Wayne for Harvey Dent. My heart fluttered at how unreal it felt.

The door to the elevator opened wide revealing a mass of obviously rich people mingling amongst each other. I immediately regretted my decision to come. What was I doing here? I wasn't rich, my dad was and I just met the guy a couple days ago! I almost broke into a panic when suddenly a bone shaking rumble emanated throughout the room, silencing the hundreds of people inside. A helicopter landed on an outside landing pad and seconds later in strolls my father with not one, not two, but three women on either side of him.

This was something my aunt constantly warned me about; his cliche title as a rich playboy. I rolled my eyes in disgust as he gave a speech for Harvey Dent. Come on, was anybody buying this? He already made it clear to everyone here that this night was about him when he made his grand entrance.

After his speech I sort of lingered around for a bit, pretending to scope out the intricate display of food. I accepted a drink from Alfred who gave me a reassuring smile when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, there you are." Lo and behold it was the beloved host, Bruce Wayne. "I didn't think you'd come. You look stunning, Iris. Where did you get the dress?"

"Alfred..." I awkwardly pointed to Alfred who was chit chatting with a handsome couple a few feet away. "I'm uh, only here cause you have quite the convincing butler." I smiled lightly and downed a sip of champagne. God I hated the stuff. I much preferred Vodka, but there was no way I was getting through tonight without the aid of alcohol.

"Excuse me-" A woman's voice sounded from behind my dad as we stepped aside to make room. The woman was with a flustered looking Harvey Dent.

"Oh Rachael, perfect timing. I'd like for you to meet my daughter, Iris."

"You have a daughter?" Harvey Dent furrowed his brows.

"Are you surprised? I'm sure there's many more where I came from." The inappropriateness of my remark instantly became clear to me and I felt my face heat up and flush red in embarrassment. Sometimes my mouth had a mind of its own! "I apologize that was so inappropriate. I have an untamed tongue. Still working on it." I sputtered my excuse as Rachael's eyes grew wide and Harvey fought hard to suppress a laugh. Well at least someone thought it was funny. I dared not look at my father, but instead shook hands with Rachael and Harvey saying, "I'm Iris, pleased to meet you."

"Rachael Dawes."

"Harvey Dent."

After a few minutes Rachael and Bruce broke away leaving me with Harvey. "Bold move openly threatening Gotham's mob bosses. It's incredible actually." I complemented. I could already tell he was getting nervous simply by having to carry on the conversation without Rachael by his side. How nice it must be to have a companion... a meaningful relationship. I hoped one day I would find that person to love, though having a typical relationship just as everyone else didn't seem all that compelling. I guess that's what people did though.

"Couldn't have done it without the Batman." He was trying to be modest.

I smiled and took the last swig of my drink, placing it on the table beside me. "Have you ever met him?"

"Once. He was very... mysterious. Just as the rumours say, but he delivered. I'm impressed to say the least."

"Well I can tell you one thing, it's nice that someone like you believes in him. Not so many would agree with you." I thought back to the many times I overheard classmates rant about Batman. They almost always had something negative to say and yet, hearing such an influential and respectable politician like Harvey speak highly of the Batman gave me a tinge of hope that maybe I could be saved from this odd situation I placed myself in with the Joker.

Our conversation fell short when he went to go scout for Rachael. I decided to place myself in the corner, hidden from the others.

I was pulled from my daydreaming when a loud bang echoed throughout the room followed by a rather familiar phrase: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen..." A frog lodged itself in my throat as the déjà vu continued. "We are tonight's entertainment."

Oh no. No no no no no. I looked to where the crowd gathered as a flash of purple and green passed by. I slowly nudged myself closer to the commotion and finally made it to a place where I could see. " know, I'll settle for his loved ones." The Joker stood in front of an older gentlemen less then half way across the room.

I watched as the Joker picked up an olive from the old man's drink and scarfed it down violently. "We're not intimidated by thugs." The old man barked. I commended his bravery but I knew he would die for saying that.

The Joker looked extremely annoyed and displeased and then remarked, "You know, you remind me of my father. I hated my father." Instantly a knife was held up to the startled man's face.

The rest was a blur so maybe at that point the alcohol was starting to kick in, but before I knew it the Batman had made an appearance. He easily beat away every clown-mask wearing goon in the place, leaving the Joker holding none other then Rachael Dawes over a window. I looked around expecting Harvey Dent to jump out and try to save her but he truly was no where to be found.

"Let her go." The Batman commanded.

"Very poor choice of words!" The Joker laughed manically as he did exactly what was requested of him.

Everyone in the room gasped when the Batman jumped down after her. No one knew what happened to either of them after that, but I was pretty sure that the Batman had faced worse things then jumping out of a window. They'd both be fine.

The Joker kicked a couple of his men awake who either weakly got up or were dragged to their feet. Everyone watched in terror as they made their way towards our direction, heading for the elevator. I looked down to keep my face hidden, but I knew it was too late when the Joker did a double take at me. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath as he walked over and eyed me up and down. I almost gagged in disgust. Was he checking me out or making sure it was really me? Again déjà vu hit when I remembered him looking at me the same way when we first met at the bus stop.

"Well what do we have here?" He licked his lips, not once taking his eyes off of mine. "All patched up and ready for, uh, round two, doll face? You know, I'm surprised you mingle with people like this. I thought you were better then that."

For once I was speechless. What should I say? I didn't want to give away that I was Bruce Wayne's daughter to everyone here, especially since now the Joker has revealed to everyone we met before. I knew word would get out in a matter of time though.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He waved his knife in the air then looked around at the crowd. "You know what, I'm taking what's mine before I leave. If it's one thing we all know: don't leave your toys lying around or someone else will claim them." He slithered his hand around my waist and roughly guided me to the elevator.

The last thing I saw was a sea of petrified faces looking pitifully at me before the doors dinged shut.

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