Chapter 26: Breakout Part 1

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I woke up feeling like it was a normal day. I'd be greeted by the sunlight trying to break through the relentless clouds and then nuzzle my nose into the feathery pillow beneath my head. I would proceed to the dining room, where I'd have a bite of my breakfast and then shove it away with guilt knowing I had more important things to do. Afterwards I'd get up and take the bus to work and when I came home train with my dad, rinse and then repeat.

When I opened my eyes I instead was greeted by a blinding white light. I sat up quickly and looked around, my vision coming in and out of focus. "There's sleeping beauty!"

"The fuck is that stuff?" I swung my legs around to touch the floor. "Everything was so... real..."

"Eh a little bit of chemistry and brain crammed into one small vile. You reacted beautifully by the way." Dr. Crane wheeled over in front of me and held a light up to my face. "Look up." I complied. "Look down." I sighed, feeling overwhelmed at what I had witnessed while drugged. "You reacted in a unique way, one which none of my patients ever had."

"Oh ya? Forgive me if I don't seem excited about that."

"You were trying to reason with whatever it was you saw. Usually my patients scream and shout 'no' over and over when they see the creatures or monsters, though that could be because most of them were diagnosed as insane, but you saw a certain situation unfold and tried to talk it out of existence. Very well done." He got up and strolled over to a table, already beginning to make another serum. "You keep this up and I'll have your friend out before you know it."

"Have you ever tested this drug on yourself?" I questioned, slowly rising from the cot. My body felt achy and shook violently.

"No, I won't until the serum is flawless. Hence the human guinea pigs I've had to conjure up- no offense." I shrugged in response as he continued. "I have to make sure it works under different circumstances, but with all people. There's a lot to account for when you plan on unleashing any kind of drug onto the world. Literally in my instance."

"I need to go home. Make up some crap story where we talked about my feelings or something so my dad doesn't suspect anything."

"Yes yes you do that. Hopefully I'll have another dose ready by the beginning of next week." Dr. Crane leaned over his work, watching it intently.

I stumbled out of his lab and slammed the door shut, sliding to the floor in relief to be out of that God forsaken room. There had to have been another way...

I made it to the bathroom before I left and instantly broke down. My reflection in the mirror looked so tired and broken. That one dose had sent me spiraling into a state of temporary madness. How much more could I take before I snapped permanently? An unexpected feeling of anger made my cheeks flush red. Why was I standing here crying? What use was it doing me? I glared at the woman across from me. "You are better than this. Knock it off!" I pulled my arm back and punched the mirror before I could think about the consequences.

I was independent and strong. I was working on getting the Joker out of a heavily guarded prison on my own. I was tricking everyone around me, even Batman on my own. I could do this. On. My. Own. And when I finally got my Joker out of this place, I could still do things on my own. I didn't need him to save me. I wasn't a damsel in distress. I could think my way and fight my way out without him too, but I was blind if I thought that I didn't need him either.

Emotionally I was attached to The Joker's very being. He gave me life and therefore I would give it back to him. Every last bit of it was his. Without him I'd be another brainwashed intern living day to day on the same schedule and pattern. How dull.

I rinsed my hands as best as I could and shook myself out of the funk I was just in. With a wide smile plastered on my face, I walked out of the bathroom, my hand stuffed in my pocket and soaking in blood.

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