Chapter 21: Lust

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Finally to the smut. Well, semi smut... It isn't too graphic, just graphic enough. Enjoy!

I faced the figure who spoke in time for him to shove my body into the back of the couch. His body pressed into mine so forcefully the breath was knocked out of me. Panic set in as I fought to keep him off. "Whoa- stop!" I yelped as he did what I asked.

"Well talk about double standards. Just the other day you wanted this." He parsed his lips and looked down at me.

"You told me I needed to do more then flirt with you to get to know you, then you tell me your real name today without me doing anything to deserve knowing. What changed your mind?" I clung to his purple sleeves as I spoke, keeping him at bay. The way he just threw himself at me seemed very unlike him.

"I haven't changed my mind." He rolled his eyes. "Didn't you hear me on the bus?" I gave him a confused look. I still wasn't catching on to what he was trying to say. He sighed heavily. "Well if you have to hear me say it again: I missed you."

"You were being serious?"

"Uh, yah." He replied casually. "I don't know why, but I uh- missed you." He sounded surprised at his own words.

"I still don't understand why you told me your name... I hadn't done anything to-" He held his finger up to my mouth. I noticed he didn't have his gloves on. "Why?"

"Why what?" He leaned his lips into my neck.

"I'm a virgin, Joker. There. I said it."

"Why admit that to me, doll?" He squeezed my sides lustfully.

"Because you're being awfully... touchy." I mumbled uncomfortably. "Why?" I repeated.

"You being away made everything seem so... dull. Its no fun when you can't observe the advancement of your creation. What you said to those uh, idiots on the bus today was just the beginning. One day, you'll actually be able to do those things you threatened them you'd do and why do you think that is?" I heard the sound of my coat being unzipped.

"I don't think I'd ever do those things."

"Oh, you could, because not only do they deserve it, but you see them as pawns. A lost cause because they do without really thinking. All they care about is money. See, you think just like me. Some people, there's just no getting to, but you're different."

I grunted at the irony. Dr. Crane said that about the Joker. Funny how right a man can be in his own eyes. My coat dropped to the floor.

"And you... You know what you're capable of..." He continued as he gripped my hip roughly.

I inhaled sharply, leaning on the back of the couch. Was this really happening? Was he really coming up on me like this?

"I suppose..." I started, the Joker harshly kissed my neck as I spoke. I lost my train of thought as he began unbuttoning my shirt. "But what about people who don't deserve it?" The question suddenly popped into my head.

"If you can't convince 'em, kill 'em." He replied casually, my button up shirt already joining my jacket on the floor.

"So you would've killed me if I hadn't listened to you." It wasn't a question but a statement.

"It took everything within me not to take you when I figured out you were a virgin, you know. I mean, someone as gorgeous as you and you haven't been screwed? Come on." He ignored my question, which actually answered it indirectly.

"Is this another secret about you? That you're a horny bastard?" I joked, sliding his vest off.

"Just between you and me, I've never felt so inclined to screw somebody as I do now." He pulled me into him, grinding at me.

"I really don't know about this..." I leaned on the couch for support. The feelings bubbling inside my belly almost made my legs collapse.

"Well, what better person to loose your virginity to then me."

"Careful, your modesty is showing." I joked. "Huh, my first time with Gotham's very own killer clown. What better way." I meant every word.

I let out a small growl as our lips clashed together unexpectedly. At first we harshly kissed with our tongues teasing each other and playing games of hide and seek. Every once in a while out teeth clashed like wild animals. I bit down at his lip and hooked my arm around his neck as he gripped my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. He carried me to what I assumed was his bedroom and swiftly laid me on a soft mattress, encasing me in feathery blankets and pillows.

In seconds he was on top of me, unbuttoning my jeans. The hormones and adrenaline in my body released a haze over my mind and at this point I didn't care what was about to happen. I was already in much to deep to get out anyway.

I admitted now with ease that I was attracted to the Joker and astonishingly, he had now revealed a level of liking to me- what that level was I had no idea. His fingers trailed down my stomach and to my hips, gripping them tight. His soft lips sucked on my skin as I laced my fingers through his hair.

Lust overwhelmed me as he reached to my back and unclipped my bra. What I was sure of now was that my prior evaluations of him were correct: he was exotic and beautiful. He had shown me a freedom I never knew was an option for me and I was ravishing it.

He and I were bare, our skin melting into one anothers. Every crevice and every line glued together forming one body. What I was feeling now was unlike anything I had ever felt.

Heavy face paint and hickeys stained my skin, leaving a trail of where he had kissed, licked, or bitten. As if reading my mind, his hands trailed to my breasts and squeezed, sending waves of pleasure pivoting into my gut. His lips found their way down my chest, pain spiking my body as he bit me anywhere he could.

"You're being naughty." I snickered while his hands traced my waist.

"That wasn't naughty. Do you want to see naughty?" He licked my ear sending shivers down my spine. I knew what he was asking, I simply needed to give him permission to go on.

I inhaled carefully and kissed his neck up to his ear, my fingers brushing his scars as I spoke. "Give it to me, Jack."

Calling him by his name changed his temperament dramatically. What once was a gentle, passionate touch turned into a savage, raging desire.

Jack bent his back and slammed into me. What happened from here on was something I'd never forget. No one forgets their first time. My whole body curled as he entered into me, stars flashing like lights in my eyes. At first the rhythm was slow, but soon evolved into a fast pace as he rocked up and down working his way inside. I gripped his thighs and threw my head back. The yell that escaped my mouth surprised me, but didn't faze Jack from continuing. Instead, he squeezed my waist and rocked harder.

I could feel that my orgasm was coming. My heart beat frantically at this immensely pleasurable experience and without thinking I gushed out words I wasn't sure were true, but I said them anyway: "Oh god I love this! I love you." And then it happened. My whole body felt like it was being lifted up and bam: Ecstasy.

I gasped in surprise as my whole body curled. "Hot damn, Iris. You really are a firecracker. My firecracker." He spoke his words as if he, too, were in a trance. "My baby doll... Mine." His words were hushed, blanketed in pleasure, lust, and desire. Knowing I made him feel this way made me feel so alive. He slammed into me multiple times, allowing himself his orgasm before falling beside me.

Our breathing was uneven and spastic and the smell of sweat filled the air. The tingling I felt pulsing through my body lingered as I treasured every second of it. I didn't know if I'd get this chance with him again. "You're wrong you know." I heaved as he swung his head to look at me. A wave of confidence and pride rushed over me as I looked him in the eye."A firecracker sparks just once. I'm a firework- filled with light; a never-ending show."

He stared at me, astonished at my contradiction as I turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

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