Chapter 23: Batman

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Caution: long chapter ahead!

Smoke filled my lungs. Black eyeshadow weighed over my eyelids. I felt like I was in a dream.

The Joker sat across from me, smearing face paint and makeup however way he saw fit. I inhaled the smoke coming from my joint and exhaled into the open air. I smacked my lips at the same time my joint burnt out. "Happy first birthday, sweetheart."

I rose from where I stood feeling so much taller then I ever had before. The figurative meaning of The Joker's remark sunk in while he watched me intently, installing a head set to his ear. "Ehem. Tonight you're all going to be part of a social experiment..."

I listened carefully to his words and went to look out at the fairy boats trying to make away from the island. The Joker had finally explained his grand plan to me while he gave me my makeover, explaining all about the explosives and the two fairies that had entered the water. I hadn't told him that this plan seemed much more tame than the others, but maybe I was just getting used to his ethics. "...You have until midnight to decide or I blow you all sky high. Oh, and you might want to decide quickly because the other boat may not be so noble." He ripped the headset off and chucked it to the water. I watched it splash into the abyss below. "He's coming." The Joker motioned the dogs that had been pacing in the corner to his feet. They were so quiet I barely noticed them. What good dogs. Maybe I should get one, such loyal companions.

"The Batman?" I asked, already knowing the answer. I knew there was no way I could take this guy on. The only thing I knew how to handle was a gun, but I've heard this guy was incredible at combat, which I had no skills at aside from karate and self defense classes in high school, which wouldn't get me far.

"No, not you. You need to sit this one out, no matter what happens."

"What? Then why am I even here?"

"You are here because you need to be here. You must be discovered, but this is my fight. Whatever happens you stay put. Oh and uh, you may want to accept Dr. Crane's intern offer. It'll come in handy one of these days."

"But-" I was cut short when loud screams and gunshots resounded throughout the entire building. Chills ran up my spine, knowing full well who was coming. "I can't let you fight him on your own. You won't win."

"And you think you will?" The Joker burst into a fit of giggles and then immediately became serious. "I'll be fine. You make like a good girl and sit."

"I'm not a dog. You cannot command me." 

"For Christ sakes, Iris do as you're told. I knew you'd be this stubborn. You brought this on yourself, by the way. Sorry- well, not sorry." He giggled to himself.

"What are you talking about?"

"Lets just say that joint I gave you may have had more of a ka-pow to it then normal. It should kick in any minute. You know, you're becoming predictable. I knew you wouldn't listen to me, but you should when I tell you this: they will find you. And when they do they'll want answers. Make up something good. I'll want to hear it the next time we meet."

The room started to get dizzy and dark as I walked myself over to the darkest part of the room and slumped down. "What is it with you and drugging me?" I began to laugh maniacally as the floor began to quake. I don't know why I found this so funny. Maybe he used other drugs, I wasn't sure, but despite my laughing fit I started to cry. I think I was genuinely terrified, but I also felt like laughing. I was​ happy and scared and confused and more all at the same time which overwhelmed me. 

"It's alright, doll face, you're safe. You put on quite the show and I'm impressed. Don't disappoint me."

I recall sounds and noises. Dogs barking and things crashing, but nothing I could see. The drugs masked the reality that the Joker was in trouble and I couldn't do anything to help. Finally accepting I was in my own little world I caved to it. I let it take me. And damn it was the best high I ever had.

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