Chapter 19: Chaos

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I had a few seconds to comprehend the meaning of the word chaos. What a nasty little thing. Its so nasty and yet, people flank to it like it'll save them from something. What was it that was so appealing?

Granted there are different types of chaos: the good and the bad, but no matter the kind people still love it. Maybe we love it because deep down we all know just how boring life really is. So what better way to spice things up a bit then with chaos? It releases so many pleasurable things. Things that give you madness and adrenaline and the temporary feeling that you actually have freedom and control over something- so long as you create it. But chaos is nasty for one reason: once you have control, there is a guarantee you will loose your grip on it.

As for right now, I was loosing grip of my seat.

For a split second, my whole body defied gravity and floated in the air above my seat, but then the truck came crashing down. Lucky for me I had remembered to put my seatbelt on.

I dangled like a stuffed doll, my eyesight blackening in then out again. I wondered if I was severely hurt. I mean, I did feel pain, though not as much as I thought I would. I felt someone grasp my hands and bind them together. I opened my eyes and though things were a bit fuzzy I could still see familiar green hair bouncing wildly in front of me.

"Whater you-" The Joker shushed me as I felt my hands being tied to the door handle.

"Alright, Iris listen up." Did he call me by my name? I couldn't quite hear. I thought I was about ready to pass out when he slapped me on the cheek. "Hey, hey, don't you go falling asleep on me now. I'm limited on time here, dollface." He smiled while I struggled to look at him. He held my face in front of his as he spoke. "I'm gonna be spending some time behind bars but while I'm gone I need for you to be a good girl now. That means doing what you're told even when I'm not around, got it?" He flashed me a piece of paper after scribbling something on it and stuffed it in my jean pocket.

Quickly taking hold of the left side of my face he brought his lips to mine and pressed gently. After that my consciousness had faded in and out. I heard gunshots and loud noises followed by sirens.

"Hey- there's a woman in here!" A shout woke me from my sleep and panic overtook me. My body began to thrust around in order to save itself but I was tied to the door handle. Even after I was pulled out of the truck I couldn't stop kicking and screaming. I had to be tied down and taken away.


I finally came to when I felt a warm hand wrap around my own. My eyes fluttered open, greeted to a place that I had been to before. "Dammit." I groaned at the white walls surrounding me. Somebody chuckled into my right ear and I turned to see my dad smiling at me.

"You've been here hardly a month and this is the second time you've landed yourself in the hospital. You're beginning to worry me."

"I've always been accident prone." I explained. "What's the damage?"

"Concussion... and some minor bumps and bruises. I'm surprised considering the car you were in completely flipped over..."

"Ya..." I tried thinking back to what had happened but it was all very blurry once I got past the Batman coming at us in his motorcycle. "Do they know what happened? Where's the Joker?"

"He's locked up in MCU, he was caught."

I held an expressionless face and looked out the window. He had said he'd be away for a while. I suddenly remembered the paper he slipped into my jean pocket. I observed the room as casually as possible and noticed my pants slung over another chair in the corner.

"Iris..." Here it comes.

"I know you have lots of questions." I interrupted. "I just remember being kept in the dark." I lied. I had to lie. "Then one day he took me and tied me to the inside of the vehicle. I'm not sure if he was planning on using me for something, but..." As soon as I told the lie I realized what the Joker had done. He had tied me to the truck so that they would still see me as a captive. He intentionally saved me. I let out a sob at my epiphany.

My dad embraced me in a hug that I could tell was out of pity. He thought I was crying over being held prisoner by the Joker. Instead, it was the small gesture he did to save me, but I knew it wasn't entirely for that. He needed me and I wasn't sure why.

Shortly after our awkward talk my dad left leaving me to my room alone and a morning full of tests. I dared not look inside my pocket until I knew the coast would be clear. "We will be in as soon as the test results come back. We are hoping to get you out of here by this evening." The nurse clicked her way out to the hall and left me alone.

Finally. I flung the sheets off of me and ignored the dizzying sensation that clouded my eyes. I saw movement to my left and jumped thinking it was someone when I realized it was my reflection in the window. I walked over to it and noticed the many bruises and cuts that littered my face. My redish brown hair was a mess and tangled. My hazel eyes looked saggy and tired, but despite my appearance I actually felt... good.

I was distracted again when I heard the Joker's voice echo throughout the building. I snapped my head up expecting to see him walk through the door to greet me but instead saw his face on the television in the corner of the room. Someone had left the news on. I frantically grabbed the remote and cranked the volume up high.

"I've had a change of heart. I don't want Mr. Reese spoiling everything, but why should I have all the fun? Lets give someone else a chance." The tv showed Coleman Reese's terrified face as the Joker kept talking. "If Coleman Reese isn't dead in 60 minutes I blow up a hospital."

A wave of adrenaline pumped through me as I drowned out the tv and whisked the paper from my pocket, holding it up. Room 203. The Joker wouldn't blow the hospital up with me inside, would he? I knew he would if he had to and it terrified me.

This wasn't some princess movie. I didn't have a prince attempting to rescue me every time I was in trouble- even if he was the one causing it. I had to be independent and strong. My phone vibrated uncontrollably and I reached for it, seeing my dad's caller ID flash on the screen.

I hastily answered when I saw a nurse run by my door and then another and another followed by what looked to be patients. "Hello?"

"Iris, you need to get out of the hospital. The Joker has just made a threat to blow it up."

I was momentarily distracted by the hustle and bustle outside the room. "You won't have to worry about that, dad. People are already being evacuated I think."

"Good. Get on the first bus you see and head straight home when you can." He hung up without saying goodbye. Typical man.

Suddenly a wave of nausea bubbled in my stomach and I stumbled to the bathroom, just making it to the toilet. I had no idea what caused it, although they did say it was a symptom from having a concussion. All of this excitement was probably not healthy for my brain.

I grabbed my clothes and changed from the dreadful hospital gown I was in. After ripping up the Joker's message and flushing it down the toilet I grabbed my jacket and ran out into the hall. It was still bustling with people who were going the opposite direction of where I had to go, which would look suspicious if anyone saw me, but eventually the last hallway I turned to was empty. 195, 197, 199, 201... 203! The door was closed and blinds pulled back. I nervously grasped the handle and went to push when the door opened on its own.

A pair of black eyes met mine followed by a blood red grin.

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