One Big Happy Family

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Brice Wayne had been staring at the news paper for hours. He hadn't come out of his study since he read the headline:

Wayne Scandal: In Cahoots with The Joker?

He read on.

Mystery Girl from last week's headline seems to have made her first public appearance alongside the Joker as his accomplise, but more than likely as his date rather then just a criminal partner.
Miss Iris Wayne, daughter to Bruce Wayne, openly admitted to breaking the Joker out of Arkham before slicing her victim's neck open in front of the bank hostages after he tried to defend the people against The Joker.
The Joker and Iris Wayne's whereabouts are unknown, but the police claim they are working furiously to take them into custody.
The people wonder, however, if Arkham will be enough to confine one of the most dangerous criminals Gotham has ever seen. And how did Miss Wayne break The Joker out of Arkham in the first place? These questions remain unanswered and leave the people worried for their lives.
Authorities report a physical and documental sweep will take place inside the Wayne Corporation, one which Bruce Wayne is seeming reluctant to allow, but has cooperated so far. What is this company, or rather, Mr. Wayne hiding-

Brice Wayne crumpled up the paper and tossed it into the raging fire behind him. Everything was crumbling down around him. His daughter was gone, mentally gone. The Joker had made things personal. Soon, everyone would know he was the Batman and he wouldn't have a chance to take that maniac down for the damage he had done to her.
There was a chance she had already told the clown who Batman really was. They were probably formulating a plan to take him down while he sat here like a mouse running toward a mouse trap.
Bruce slowly rose from his seat and paced, thinking hard as to what he should do. He had been doing this since last week when the Joker was busted out and his daughter mysteriously vanished. That's when he began to suspect, but simply couldn't bring himself to see it until now. He still filed a missing person report, but people were still suspicious of him.
Iris used her place at Arkham Asylum to get the Joker out, but she had to have had someone's help. She couldn't have done it alone, could she?
He trained her in everything he knew. She was a natural and learned faster then he did, on account that she was less arrogant and more open minded then he had been while training. She still wasn't where he was though, so she had to have received undercover help. Probably someone who worked there, but who?
He had retired from being Batman now. The people simply didn't want him. This was on Commisioner Gordon now, but he couldn't let that fly. He would have to do his own research until the Batman was wanted again, but that wouldn't happen, not with Iris knowing.

Bruce Wayne hung his head in defeat.

It was over.

Silence flooded the house. An eerie, uncomfortable fog lingered. Until-

"Daddy-O!" A voice bounded around the walls like a bouncy ball and landed in the study, sending Bruce Wayne's heart racing. "I know you're here. Can't fool me!"

I waited when finally there came Bruce Wayne pounding down the steps. I was alone, of course, didn't want to get carried away- not yet. I kept my playful grin in tact when he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, staring at me with all sorts of mixed emotions in his eyes. How pitiful.

I laughed. I laughed at him. I laughed at my life and where I was now. My laugh made Bruce's spine crawl, I could tell. "Hey there pops. Gots a minute?"

"Alfred!" Bruce Wayne yelled as his butler's head poked out of the forier, obviously keeping to himself. "Make us some mint tea."

I gave him a fake smile and slung my jacket over a pillar nearby, following him to the small side room which had a fire lit. Alfred kept eerily quiet when he returned as I snatched the tea.

"God, it's like a funeral home in here. You're both bumming me out. What seems to be the problem?" I asked,  already knowing, but sipped my tea pretending to be all danty.

"Iris-" My dad began but I held a hand up and place my teacup and saucer down.

"Fancy." I mumbled and then looked at him. "So, I totally thought about letting you tear yourself apart at what our next move was against you, but I'm really not into that. My Joker does all the planning, and he doesn't know who the Batman is. In fact, he doesn't know that I know who the Batman is. So, calm your tits." I fiddled with a couple things in the room while he replied.

"What happened to you?" Bruce looked at me all sad like and I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, ew, don't get all sentimental with me. You may be my blood father but you sure as hell didn't raise me. I never intended on having an actual father daughter relationship with you, you know. I was using you."

Wayne didn't seem like he was surprised, but was fazed by my bluntness. "I loved you before you were born. The Joker doesn't know what love is and certainly doesn't care about you. Whatever he's promised you, the things he said-"

"Like you would get it. You're in your own fantasy world, Batman! If you only knew the things he did to protect me while you were out there playing hide and seek with criminals in a bat costume!" I got closer to him but didn't get too close. I took a deep breath to calm myself before speaking again. "Anywho, I'm not gonna tell Mister J that I know who the Batman is. That would take the fun out of everything and we all love the game we're playing. Hell, I've only just begun!" I twirled around gracefully and sipped the rest of my tea, slamming it down happily. I hummed to music that wasn't playing aloud and finally faced him again. "So, I came here to tell you that it's your move. Also, we won't meet like this ever again. Can't chance him getting suspicious, then I'd have to tell him. Though I'm sure he would find the Batman's true identity to be ironic and hilarious. Would hate to keep such a laugh from him- he loves a good laugh as you know- but no, no, I've already made up my mind." I smiled wildly and suddenly pulled out a knife.

I laughed heartedly as Bruce Wayne pulled put his gun, pointing it right at me. "Chill. I'm not here to kill you. Woulda done that already." I sliced the blade into the wooden table close by and carved some stuff into it. Leaving the knife stuck in the wood I saluted him and walked out, grabbing my coat and slamming the door shut.

Bruce Wayne slowly walked over to the table and read the words: One Big Happy Family carved into the dense wood and a smiley face staring up at him.

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