Chapter 10: A Favor

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I wrinkled my nose at the smell that filled the elevator. It reeked of alcohol, sweat, body odor and again, the oddest tinge of mint. Where was the mint coming from?

The idiots in the clown masks shifted uncomfortably, trying to keep as far away from us as possible. I made the connection that it was mostly the Joker they were keeping away from, not me, but he still had me pressed up against his side.

I was appalled that the Joker thought he could just take me like a "toy"- that's what he called me! I hissed quietly. You can't just claim people as your own.

"That was uh, pathetic." The Joker spat as he partially turned to the men behind him. "What is it I pay you for?" His voice got louder as his henchmen grew smaller, backing themselves into the corner not saying a word. They tried not to show any fear, but it was pretty obvious that their feet were shaking in their boots. It was pathetic looking, really.

I continued to stare hollowly at the doors in front of me. As soon as they opened I would make a run for it.

I could feel the Joker's grip loosening as we went down.


"You could barely stand a poke from the Batman: one hit and you were out. You fight like a bunch of girl scouts." Did the guy ever see Melissa McCarthy in The Boss? Now those girl scouts could fight! I would've laughed if I had it in me.


"Hey, sweet cheeks." He turned to me. "Wanna see a magic trick?"


The instant the doors opened a scream resonated from behind me which kick-started my escape plan. I dared not look back as I sprung out of the elevator and down the stairs. Screams continued to flood the lounge and then, there was nothing.

A shrill fit of laughter suddenly shattered the momentary silence. I've been told that laughing is good for you, but damn, this guy laughed way too much.

As soon as my feet landed on the marble floor my body started to feel numb. What was happening to me? My movements began to slow and soon my knees hit the floor.

Horror struck me when I pieced together that the fucker drugged me! He must've done it in the elevator and I was too focused on running away from him that I hadn't noticed. I angrily tried to stand up a couple times but to no avail. This was the oddest and most terrifying feeling of my life.

"You should be knocked out by now." I could only lift my head up enough to see his shoes circling around me. "You're as stubborn as a mule, Iris... I was right, you're like a little firecracker." He hummed in amusement.

I fell onto my side and fought the urge to sleep. "That was more then one magic trick, you liar." I mumbled, finally closing my eyes.

"Guilty." The Joker sang.


Alfred watched in concern as Bruce Wayne paced back and forth in the bat cave. Alfred was the unfortunate soul who had to bring the bad news of his daughter's kidnapping.

The news stations had already broadcast the event so all of Gotham knew the story which was always warped in some way by the media. They had the essentials though: the Joker busted a fundraiser for Harvey Dent hosted by Bruce Wayne, made some threats, and kidnapped a woman at the party. There were rumours of course that the Batman killed a woman or that he let the Joker get away. Other rumours suggested Iris wasn't kidnapped but went willingly or maybe that she was already working for the Joker... None of which Alfred or Bruce Wayne suspected, but Alfred had to admit something was suspicious in the way it all played out.

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