Chapter 27: Breakout Part 2

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The first guard came running at me, the taser held out in front of him. I dodged his attack and twisted it out of his hand easily because his move was very foreseeable. I was able to knee him in the face thanks to the height of the table and when he gripped his nose in pain, I knocked him back into the wall. His body fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Ooo hoo-hoo!" The Joker squealed excitedly at the action taking place in front of him and I flashed him a smirk before noticing Dr. Crane struggling with the other guard, restraining his hands. I leapt from the table and withdrew the taser out of his pocket, bringing it to his neck. His body shook violently before​ falling to the floor atop the other guard.


I snapped my head up at the last angry guardsman standing before me. His face was red and eyes bugged out of his head in disbelief and surprise. "This ends now! I don't know what it is you are trying to do here, especially you Doctor-" He spat at Crane. "-but this ends now! You're coming with me bitch!" He ran at me full speed, his arms outstretched as if I would just let him take me away.

"Amateur." I rolled my eyes. The oldest attack move in the book and one my father had gone over with me many a time. I waited until he was right in front of me before ducking and bringing my body up as hard as I could, sending my head into his chin. Before he could react I kneed him in the groin as he let out a pain filled howl; the Joker's laughter drowning it out. Taking advantage of his hunched over body, I elbowed his back, knocking him to the ground.

Over and over I kicked him, spurting curse words and yelling at him uncontrollably. The man groaned with each kick as the Joker laughed so hard he had his face planted on the table from exhaustion by the end of my freak out.

I glanced at the doctor who had his eyebrows raised in surprise. "I honestly thought you were bluffing, Iris. How did you learn to do all of that?"

I whipped my tangled, black hair out of my face and leaned against the wall to compose myself. My breathes were staggered and uneven, my chest rising without a steady beat to follow. I had just taken down three trained guards on my own. I guess learning from Batman himself did have it's incredible perks.

"I learned from the best. I knew this day was coming. I'd be a fool not to prepare for it."

The doctor nodded in agreement when someone cleared their throat on the other side of the room. "Is somebody gonna let me outta here or what?"

"Oh, sorry, boss, I thought you liked being restricted by a straight jacket." I remarked sarcastically, walking over to him as he stood to face me.

"You have no idea how badly I want to bang you right now." He growled quietly in my ear as I seductively walked around him to unbuckle his restraints.

"Then let's do it right here on this table. The doctor won't look." I peeked at doctor Crane who was looking at me, awe in his eyes presumably from witnessing this other side of me.

"As happy as I am for your reunion, we are limited on time."

"Aren't we all?" As soon as the Joker's straight jacket was off of him he whipped around and with a swipe of his hair and tug on my waist he had me in his chest, his lips fiercely digging into mine. Our bodies grinded together quickly as I squeezed his neck and brought his face back so I could look at him.

"God I missed you." He growled, but suddenly a look of realisation swept over his face and the Joker snapped his head over to look at the doctor. "You." He pointed. "You put my baby doll through an awful lot, haven't you?"

"Uh, we can talk about this later." I protested as a look of panic overtook Doctor Jonathan Crane.

"No, no we won't, because there won't be a later for this pig. I'll make you squeal!" He walked around the table and towards the doctor. "It's been a while since I've been let off the leash."

Amid the Joker's jump to attack, Crane pulled out a can of some sort and held it out in front of the Joker. The Joker burst out in a fit of laughter but I knew better then to mock the doctor's work. I lived in what it could do, therefore I knew it's consequences. Lucky for me, I was now immune to his fear gas.

"You laugh now, Joker, but one spray of this and I will finally know what the psychotic killer clown of Gotham is truly afraid of." The Doctor began to sweat profusely and twitch, nerves catching up to him.

"Don't you forget? You've already used that waste of science against me and you found nothing. I don't have any fears." The Joker walked almost right into the can, tempting it to release its fumes. The doctor looked at me for a few seconds, sending a silent message, and looked back to the Joker.

"You do now." He then sprayed the can's contents directly into the Joker's face.

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