Chapter 12

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Kiss me, Michael.  Please, just kiss me.  Can't you even read it my eyes?  Can't you see that desperation?

I know.  I’ll just make him realize what I want.

“Michael,” I said as I play with my fingers, “don't you ever wonder why I never had any boyfriends before?”

“Jess, it shows,” Michael laughed.


“Don't worry. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect in every way, and I hope I'm the one who truly got your heart,” he smiled.  His face was already inches from mine, but then he suddenly pulled back.  I felt my cheeks blushed a little.  Michael, you're already inches from my face, why didn't you kiss me?

“I don't really want to ask you about this, but how many girls did you have?” I asked curiously, shifting myself to face him.

“Uh… Let's see, I think it was like 5 of them?” He rubbed his chin.

“Wow,” I widened my eyes.  How could someone be that active in his love life?

I ran my fingers down my hair and twirled the ends.

“So, what do you want to do now?” He asked after the show ended.  Kiss you.

“Nothing,” I lied and beautified myself by applying a little lip-gloss.

“Tss, you don't need that. You’re already beautiful,” he grabbed my lip-gloss and tossed it away.

“Hey, that's mine!” I tackled him, hitting his stomach.

“Ouch, babe, try to watch your strength,” he made a face.

“Not my fault,” I gave him a sly smile and got my lip-gloss back.

We were face to face now, and I was on top of him.  I can feel him heaving, up, down, up and down.  Michael smiled, and I looked straight at his stormy gray eyes.  It softened when he hugged me around my waist.  I can smell his sweet perfume from here.

“Mhm, you used the perfume I gave you,” I sniffed him a bit.

“Of course.  It was the best that I have,” he lifted the corner of his lips.

“I think I already know what you want,” he said as he snuggled me closer, kissing my collarbone.  Finally.  I giggled loudly and threw my head back to give him more options in kissing me.

I'm still on top of him.  I closed my eyes and started to get close.  I puckered my lips, and he met me halfway to let our lips meet.  Sparks flew everywhere, so this is how people feel when they kiss.  His kiss was sweet and soft.  I immediately knew that this one's a good kisser even if I never kissed before.

He released me and started twirling my hair.

“Oh boy, I never knew that this would happen. In fact, I thought this would never happen, probably not until I marry you,” he said.  I sat up and blushed.  This will be the best night ever.

“Dinner!” Someone called from downstairs.

Michael, with a smile from ear to ear, held a hand out for me.  I happily accepted it and stood up.  We went to the dining room, finding ourselves staring at the table full of main courses.  There were full fried chicken, broccoli with shells, tenderloin steak and more.

“Woah, aunt Bea! You're the best! We never really have this much for dinner,” I screamed happily.

“Stop complimenting me and start eating. It makes me feel so flattered,” she laughed with a fine hint of being flattered.

As usual, we started with a prayer and ended with a whole chocolate cake.  Michael gave me a slice.  I took a bite and the cake melted in my mouth. Yum!  This is definitely one of the best cakes I have ever eaten.  I helped them put the dishes in the sink, and Bea left everything to the maid.

Michael and I went back to his room, but we didn't do anything stupid after what had happened a while ago.  I wasn’t that naïve.  I grabbed the bag of Cheetos and ate it.  Michael was busy with his PS3, NBA 2K12 stuff.  I just watched and ate as he played.

I checked my watch.  It was already 8:00 P.M.

“Uh… Mike, I think I need to get going,” he paused his game and looked at me, “This soon?”

“Yeah. It’s the same old curfew, still 8:30 P.M. If I want to have a later curfew, I still need to ask for an approval. It’s always a hassle.”

“Okay, fine, I'll drive you home.”


He punched me lightly in the arm, “Silly.”

He grabbed his car key, and we both went down.

“Mom, dad! I'm going to drive Jessica home.”

“Okay, be safe,” Dennis, said from the other room.

“Bye, uncle! Bye, auntie!”  I shouted.

“Bye!” They said in unison.

Michael opened the door for me.  I entered his light brown Camry, and he sat on the driver's seat.

“I never really expected that,” he said as he started the car.  

“Neither have I. Now, buckle up,” I ordered.

I was pretty mesmerized when I looked at him while he drives.  I felt the passion in our kiss a while ago.  We reached my house in just 5 minutes.  He accompanied me to my front porch.  We stood there like teenagers, hand in hand.  He put his arms around my waist, I tiptoed to kiss him, but suddenly, he picked me up and kissed me.

“Goodnight,” I smiled.

“Night,” he hugged me really tight, which was as tight as a big bear hug.  I ransacked my bag and grabbed the key.  I opened the door and entered.  I heard him drive away from outside and saw my mom approaching me.

“Hey mom.”

“How was the visit?”

“Cool, same old.”

I smiled, “but better dinner.”

“That’s great. Have a rest.”

“Okay, goodnight,” I kissed her cheek.  I went to see my dad who's watching Criminal Minds.

“Hi daddy.”

“Hey sweetie. How's my baby?”

“I'm good, pops. How was your day?”

“Cranky. Time to get some rest, baby.”

“Goodnight, dad.”

I went to my bedroom.  I dropped my things on the bed and took a quick hot shower.  After showering, I put on my nightgown and jumped to my bed.  I grabbed my diary and wrote.

April 7, 2012

Dear Diary,

I never knew that I could be this bold.  I never even said, "I love you" to a guy before.  I never let them touch me.  I've always kept a distance, but today was different.  It all happened at the same time, holding hands, cuddling, snuggling and kissing.  I felt better, I guess this is what I lacked the most, personal touch.  I thank God for these opportunities.  I thank Him for letting me meet him in school.  I may be a year younger, but I know that this was the guy I'm looking for.  Goodnight.

P.S. Thank you Michael.  I love you.

I closed my diary, dried my hair and slept really soundly.

-Jessica White, 23 years old

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