Chapter 42

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Black is everywhere.  Black dresses, black gloves, black hat, black umbrella, black pants, black shirts.  In short, this place looks emo-ish but they have a good reason.  This is Tiffany's burial.

We were standing around the coffin.  The reverend was reading the message and one by one, everyone approached the coffin with tears, saying their last messages for Tiffany.  It was a bright sunny day but it wasn't the same here.  It felt like there was a dark gloomy storm going on.

Goodbye Tiffany but I promise that the memories we made will never be buried.

We continued to Tiffany's house after the burial for an event.  The place was fully prepared and packed, it was similar to a cocktail party but this time, it's about Tiffany's death.  There were standing and sitting tables everywhere and they good enough to hold about a hundred people.

Food where everywhere and most of them were Tiffany's favorites.  Too bad she isn't here anymore.  Thinking about Tiffany makes me sad.  I thought that time can heal a person's pain but I guess they're wrong, it hurts more than last week.  I don't know if I can survive the next few weeks, months and years without her but I'm sure she wants us all to move on, to enjoy life even if she isn't here to enjoy it with us.  I've locking myself up from the connections to the outside world to grieve, I'm sure Tiffany will disapprove this.

Tiffany's the kind of girl who usually thinks about others and not herself.  She hates it when somebody pities her.  She doesn't want anybody to be sorry for her, she's a down to earth girl.  She'd help every single person in need if she can.  I miss those.  I miss Tiffany.  I miss everything about her.

I adjusted the pink laced curtain a little and sat on the window sill in Tiffany's room, I asked permission from her parents.  I love looking from this angle, it relaxes me from my problems.  I looked out, leaves were starting to grow from the trees but nests were still visible.  I thought about those times when we stayed over, when I'd fall asleep just by sitting here and Tiffany put spread a cover on top of me and put a pillow under my head.  I miss those times.

I remember last week, Hanzel told us that there was a misinterpretation, it wasn't Blake who killed Tiffany, it was one of the ants of the mastermind.  They were put behind bars but Drake and the others were free to go because they were just witnesses and not a flunky of the mastermind.  The boss was still hiding somewhere but they said they're getting close.  I really hope that they would find him so those stupid crimes would stop.

Peace.  Yeah, hard to find that in the world like this but I really hope at least one person still has that.  I now know that losing a person can really have an impact.

I looked around Tiffany's room.  The bed was neatly arranged and there were pictures of her all over the place then something caught my eye.  The was an orange post it note on Tiffany's window, it was shoved deep down and only the corner was visible.  I pulled it out.  There was a note.

Hey Hallie.  I knew you would see this.  I'll trust you with this.  I am a CIA agent and my diary's in the drawer, the bottom one.  Look at the last page.

A task.  She left me with a task.  I pulled the bottom drawer open and saw her diary just on top.  I turned it to the last page.

Hallie, believe it or not.  I may not be there when you see this but I'm still around and I'm still protecting the world.  Just incognito.  Don't worry about me, I'll leave this secret to you and there's a letter for my parents under the bed.  Kindly give it to them.  Thank you.  Love you, mwah.:)


I muffled my gasp and looked out the window again.  I saw a mysterious person by the oak tree, just like the one I saw before we left.

It's true.  "Believe it or not."  That's what she said and I chose to believe.

Thank you Tiffany for trusting me with this secret.  I'll be keeping it in my little treasure box called "heart".

Tiffany is still alive.

Tiffany, wait for me.  I'm coming for you soon.  Love Hallie.  I miss you so much and winked at the window.

The shadow gave me a two thumbs up, put a hat then walked away.

Oh wait, where's my stuffed panda?

I looked around again and saw my panda on top of her bed.

How did it get here?

I picked it up and saw a note attached to it.

I read it and I muffled a gasp again but this time with a laugh.  Silly Tiffany.  She'll always be the best.

By the way, Hanzel and I are still dating and our relationship seemed grow stronger and stronger by the day.  I thank him for changing my perspectives on love.  He was always there for me even if I'm already locking myself out.  In short, I've never said this but I love him.

-Hallie Price, 18 years old



The end.

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