Chapter 20

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I wonder what's wrong with Cathy.  She always pastes that horrifying face when she looks at me.  I don't even know why she is in our cool group anyway.  She doesn’t qualify in any of our standards.  She is just the tail of Yvette, who is very fond of her.  Cathy is just an ordinary country girl who loves to groom horses.  All she talks about is her missing her old home, the barn or farm, whatever.

I made this group because we all have our common points, but Yvette suddenly showed up with Cathy.  Sheesh.  Yes, I know.  I'm faking those smiles, those laughs, and those hugs and lastly the comfort and pity I give Cathy.  I don't care if that Karl cheated.  I don't care if they broke up or what.  She is just a know-it-all who clearly doesn’t know and care about anything.

What's taking Blake so long?  We've been on the road for like more than half and hour already.

I seated shotgun and glanced over to steal a look.  Wow, he is definitely very handsome, cleanly shaved and neatly groomed.

"Would you mind telling us where are you taking us?"

"Yes because it's a surprise."  He winked at me.

I shifted uneasily on my chair, "Okay then, just don’t take us anywhere dangerous."

"Trust me."  He smiled, which made his dimples appear.  How cute.

This is unexplainable.  My friends are not happy with me going out with other guys just because I have a boyfriend.  I mean most of the teens do that, even Chad.  I know that he makes out with other girls, and I don't really mind since I do that as well.  Loyalty is not an issue for me, but YOLO is.  I can’t believe they treat this like a really big issue, and I can’t believe that other couples are actually loyal with each other.  They are totally missing more than half of their lives.

We entered the countryside of Ireland and stopped in front of an old wooden house.  "Is this your house?"  I asked while observing it from its roof to its front porch.


"Why did you bring us here?"

"I want you to meet my mother, who cooks really sumptuous food and some of my friends."

"Oh. That’s nice. Let’s get started then."

We entered the house, and the thermostat was set on a high.

"Welcome. Blake told me about you girls. Make yourselves comfortable,” said the lady who is just in her mid 40s and who I assume is Blake’s mother.

Someone whistled from inside, "Cool! Blake, you didn't tell us you would bring girls!" A man, who is about the same age as Blake called out.

"I told you, it's a surprise," Blake said.

"Kids! Breakfast's ready!" Blake's mother said.

Maureen Martinez, 19 years old

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